tirsdag den 7. marts 2023

Poetry Monday :: Cookies

Jeg føler at jeg løber afsted efter min egen hale lige for øjeblikket. Nu er det allerede tirsdag, og jeg er ikke færdig med mit mandagsdigt endnu.
     Emnet er cookies. Det fik mig til at tænke dels på dem, man har på computeren, dels på dem, man kan spise. En halvfærdig idé om noget med Brød og skuespil, der er erstattet af Cookies og realityTV ... Læs det eller lad være, der kommer ikke mere.
     Uglemor er stadig i et halvdårligt humør, så vær beredt på mere Uglegylp i de kommende dage.

-- 🦉 --

I feel like chasing my own tail. It's already Tuesday. But in my to-do list I only just made it to Poetry Monday.

The subject is Cookies. This made me think of the edible ones, as well as of the computer ones. Then my thoughts wandered to bread and games being replaced by cookies and reality shows. I only made a half-baked poem. But now ... well now you'll just have to read it - or not if so you choose.

MotherOwl is still grumpy, so prepare for Owl-Pellets in days to come.

Cookies we have online
Cookies in a store
Cookies are delicious,
Dare we ask for more?

Panem et circenses *)
In the Rome of yore.
Dulling now our senses
with X Factor's score.

*) "Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metonymic phrase referring to superficial appeasement. It is attributed to Juvenal, a Roman poet active in the late first and early second century BC, and is used commonly in cultural and political, contexts.

In a political context, the phrase means to generate public approval, not by excellence in public service or public policy, but by diversion, distraction, or by satisfying the most immediate or base requirements of a populace, by offering a palliative: for example food (bread) or entertainment (circuses).  (Wikipedia - Edited)

Now we're eating and accepting cookies while  watching reality-shows. As another old wise and bitter man said: "Nothing new under the sun".

-- 🦉 --

*) Udtrykket stammer fra en satire af den romerske digter Juvenal (sent 1. til tidligt 2. århundrede f.Kr). I denne sammenhæng refererer "brød og cirkus" til den romerske politiske elites praksis med at uddele gratis brød og afholde store offentlige arrangementer (for eksempel gladiatorkampe og hestevæddeløb) for at pacificere et uroligt folk, der havde solgt deres politisk frihed til gengæld for umiddelbar opfyldelse af nogle overfladiske og ligegyldige behov (Wikipedia - revideret).
     Nu spiser og accepterer vi cookies mens vi ser realityshows; som en anden klog og bitter mand sagde: Intet nyt under solen.

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Next Monday: Butterflies.

4 kommentarer:

  1. It is not easy to watch the world today, but i imagine it has always been so.

    Your cookie poem is most apt.

    1. I think it's at its worst right now. It was not this bad a year ago, and I hope for better ahead in around 3 years time (new election among other things).

  2. I like chocolate chip cookies better than the computer kind, but I can't eat too many, they put pimples on my face.

    1. Urgh - I wish we could make some kind of exchange here. I'm not fond of cookies, but they are actually one of the few things from the baker's I can eat with no ill effects. I'd like to be able to eat a copenhagener now and then in exchange :D


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.