tirsdag den 14. marts 2023

A - Z Challenge 2023?

     April nærmer sig - og med den den årlige A - Z udfordring: Skriv en blogpost hver dag i april den 1. april om noget med A, den 2. april om noget med B, og så videre - søndagene tæller ikke med, så bliver der lige 28 dage til 28 bogstaver.
     Hmmm - jeg er egentlig løbet sur i den slags udfordringer, men deres valgfri tema Resilience (modstandsdygtig / ukuelighed / evnen til at overleve og fortsætte) taler til mig.
 A - Z Challenge skriver selv:
Vores bloggere har tilpasset sig nye omstændigheder, mange har holdt ud i hårde tider i og uden for blogosfæren, og de har transformeret og revolutioneret deres bloggerfærdigheder for at være her hos os i år. Vi roser den styrke, der skal til for at drive en succesfuld blog (uanset hvilke kvaliteter du betragter som en succes) i 2023, og vi er taknemmelige for hver enkelt deltager i A - Z apriludfordringen.
Vores nye (anonyme 🥔) grafiker håber, at I vil nyde billedet af det modstandsdygtige træ på 2023-grafikken

Måske taler modstandsdygtig ekstra meget til mig fordi jeg har siddet og arbejdet med at finde mine forfædre og i kirkebøger og folketællinger fulgt dem gennem gode tider (fødsler, konfirmationer, ægteskaber, kirkeindvielser) og onde tider (spædbarnsdød, ulykker, fattighuse).
     Jeg overvejer at skrive om mine forfædre ... en eller to pr.dag. Der er ikke lige meget at fortælle om den alle, og om de allerældste, helt tilbage til der hvor kirkebøgerne starter, ved jeg ofte ikke andet end et navn, et sogn og en dødsdato. Så jeg kan skrive helt, helt korte indlæg.
April is just around the corner, and with it the annual A - Z Challenge. Just the kind of thing I recently told the world (aka. blogland) that I was loath to do. But this year's optional theme resonates within me:

Our bloggers have adapted to new circumstances, many having persisted through tough times in and outside the blogosphere, and have transformed and revolutionized their blogging skills to be here with us this year. We praise the fortitude it takes to run a successful blog (whatever qualities you consider a success) in 2023 and are grateful for each participant in the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Our new (anonymous 🥔) graphics person hopes you'll enjoy the image of the resilient tree on the 2023 graphics.
Maybe Resilience speaks to me because of all the genealogy, I have been doing. I have through church registers and censuses followed my ancestors back in time through happy days (Baptisms, marriages, confirmations, harvests, consecration of a church ...) and sad days (Death of infants and spouses, accidents, extreme poverty). 

Tentatively I would like to write about my ancestors, one, two or more a day. The ones most distant in time, are quite boring, often I know no more than a name, a place, and a date of death/burial because they were born and married before the registers even started. In this way the first posts will be short, very short indeed, and this might be a way of easing into regular blogging with the challenges I like once again.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Give it a go Charlotte- I know you don’t like starting- giving up early but if you start to draft posts now they’ll be ready to post from April 1.
    I took part in the very first one, loved it - - it was a last minute decision (March 29 - just a couple of days beforehand) and I seemed to live/breath the challenge all of the month. There were only 100 participants in the first one, it grew and grew after that year and I decided not to take part again.

  2. Sometimes i simply promise myself to try, and if it works, it works, and if it doesn't, i am not under an obligation, no one will come to "haul me away" or anything.

  3. Good luck with the challenge. to me resilience speaks of not giving up, just keep going no matter what you have to go through.

  4. I do like the resilience theme because I think anyone can associate with that these days.

    I think the a-z challenge would be easier if you have prepared all your posts though I could never that. I think you can still do it since it's still March but I think if you really don't want to participate, then don't. Sometimes it's better to step aside then join in.

    Have a lovely day.

  5. I find the A to Z Challenge SO intimidating. You are amazing for considering it! Resilience. Isn't that a strong, 'elastic' sort of word?


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.