tirsdag den 21. marts 2023

Regn ~ Rain

     EC skriver i en kommentar, at hun godt kan lide regn ... det kan jeg også, dog helst om natten og i modreate mængder. Ikke når det bare drypper hele tiden og hver eneste dag. Så når vejrmeldingen ser sådan her ud bliver jeg lidt negativ.
     Der er så meget, jeg gerne vil i haven. Domen skal bygges færdig, vedbenden skal tæmmes, der skal luges, og graves, og flyttes, og repareres, og, og, og!
EC says in a comment that she loves rain. So do I, in moderation. Rain is fine even necessary - now and then. But when the weather yesterday, today and in the near future looks like this piece of drip-drip-drip, I get a bit depressed.

I have loads of things to do in my garden. I have a dome to build, an ivy to tame, beds to weed, flowers to plant, I have to dig, rake, carry, mend, ...

Data DMI -- Graphics BedreVejr

4 kommentarer:

  1. We get those endless days of rain sometimes, too, and it's rather depressing. I hope the clouds clear and you get sunshine soon.

  2. After living through too many droughts and more than one fire season I never object to rain. However I am well aware that many people do. I hope, like messymimi, that you get some sunshine.

  3. I like rain too and after many hot, hot days if it rains I will go outside just to get wet and be happy I don't need to water the garden. But endless days of rain are just irritating after about three/four days. Thankfully that doesn't often happen in my state.

  4. Yes, rain is good. Like River I sometimes go out and get soaked just because. But there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. The tunnel under our rails are flooded, we have to take a detour, and miss the connecting bus more often than not. The farmers are blistering angry, as they cannot do what has to be done in the fields, and big puddles - almost small lakes form everywhere, some people have water in their basements ...
    We live in a water-filled part of the country, where digging more than 100 cm down often makes for water-filled holes. The opposite of ECs droughts.
    And add that endless grey, murky days are not good for the soul, I sure would prefer a bit less water from above,


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.