søndag den 5. marts 2023

En ny dome ~ Søndagsbilleder
A new Dome ~ Sunday Selections

Stormen Otto gjorde Uglemor opmærksom på at domen ikke duede mere. Efter stormen skulle plastikket sættes på plads igen. Uglemor lænede sig til en af stiverne - det har hun gjort mange gange før, domer er solide, selvbærende konstruktioner, og i 2000 da den var ny, klatrede Uglemor op og sad på toppen af den. Men nu, nu knak stiveren under Uglemors vægt, og hun landede med næsen lige op i en anden stiver, hvor der groede en stor, flot svamp. Den står på renovering.
Domen, repareret efter stormen Otto
The dome, repaiured after Otto, the storm
Otto the storm made me realize that the dome is up for repairs, because as I leaned on one of the beams it gave way, and I ended up with my nose inches from a beautiful growth of fungus on another beam.
The dome is fully able to handle my weight and more, when first I build it in 2000, I climbed up and sat on the top of it before putting on the outer coat of plastic. New beams and plastic coming up this spring.

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Så jeg gav mig til at lede efter nye planker til domen. 6x4 lægter er, hvad den er bygget af, og det er gode mål. Men jeg var lidt betænkelig. Nogle af de allermest rådne stivere er nemlig nye lægter, fra da vi byggede ud i 2005 eller deromkring. De er hurtigtvoksede, med grove årringe og ikke nær så solide som de gamle fra 1926.
     Prøv bare at se her:
This is how one of the struts looks now - notice the fungal growth too. And this was bothering me. This is the top pentagon, away from the ground, made from planks left over when we had our house enlarged in 2005 or thereabout. The old planks from 1926 are mostly in better condition, as the new ones are force-grown, coarse-grained wood. And any new ones, I bought would be the same.

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     Til alt held slog jeg bare "lægter" op på nettet, og endte hos Plastikplanker.dk. Det var da genialt. Deres lægter er kun halvt så tykke som den af træ, men mindst lige så solide, UV-bestandige og fremstillet af genbrugsplast. Oven i købet kunne de skære plankerne op for mig for en lille ekstrabetaling. Det sagde jeg ja tak til. 
     Så i tirsdags ankom en palle med 65 fine plastplanker. Jeg fik så travlt med at flytte dem væk fra fortovet, at jeg helt glemte at tage et billede. Men her er de ved siden af domen, lige foran vores kompostbunker.
Well I happened to just search for Planks and I found some plastic-ones. UV-resistant only half as thick as the old wooden ones, but just as - or even more - sturdy. And made from recycled plastic.
I could even have the planks cut to length if I paid for it, which I did.

So  Tuesday 65 planks arrived. They were delivered in front of our house, and I got so busy moving them, that I forgot to snap a photo. Here they are already moved next to the dome place, in front of our compost.

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     Ret hurtigt gik jeg så i gang med at dekonstruere domen. Beslag og skruer skal nemlig genbruges, og fundamentet skal også have en omgang, nu jeg er i gang.
Then I began deconstructing the old dome. The connecting pieces for the struts and most of the screws will be reused. And the foundation also need some care now I'm at it.

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Og se - der er faktisk mange detajler på dagens billede, der lige bestemt er månedens farve: Vandslange, mursten, håndtag på en sav ...
And look closely, a lot of details in these photos fit the colour of the month: A garden hose, bricks, some handles ...

10 kommentarer:

  1. A new greenhouses (or is it a summer sit outside house?) on the horizon. Nothing like using reused materials- look forward to seeing the new structure when it’s finished

    1. It is a greenhouse. Tomatoes and chilis grow there in summer, and I hope they will be happy with their new home.

  2. I'm so glad you found good materials for the replacement dome.

    1. Thank you, so am I. Now we just need some spring for me to build. Today is windy, frost and snow. (Freed from spam prison).

  3. When the dome is complete does it have a door so you can get inside or do you lift it from the bottom? How big is it?

    1. From bottom to middle top - standing on the ground - there's ca. 180 cm. The circumferendce is around 12 m.
      I have placed it on a low wall (foundation?), because I kept on banging my head on the struts.
      I cannot lift it alone, it's far too large and heavy and the plants use the struts for growing aid. I make an entrance by removing one strut in the layer of roughly horizontal struts in the last photo, and then make "flap-doors" - you can see them looking strange in the first photo.

  4. This time, it will be there forever! (Barring another 'Otto'!)

    1. The "skeleton" will now hopefully last for the rest of my life ;) The plastic covering will be renewed every 7th year. Nothing transparent will last in the sun, this is the best I can have.

  5. I thought i had commented on this post, but i guess not.

    I'm glad you found what you need to rebuild your done, and you're right, you do have the color of the month there. I found something near that color in the sky and hope to find it again this week.

    1. You had, I read it, and when I returned to comment it had disappeared. I thought you had accidentally deleted it, but it was Blogger's retroactive spam prison patrol, that had imprisoned your comment, along with the one on plant dyes, and one of Diane's. Sometimes it even imprison my replies too ;) crazy Blogger.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.