lørdag den 4. marts 2023

Onsdagsord ~ 1. marts ~ Words for Wednesday & IWSG

Bedre sent end aldrig, håber jeg. I marts er onsdagsordene på Rivers blog. Det er Susan Kane, der har valgt dem, men hun har syg familie, og holder blogpause. Ergo, vil du lege med, hop over til Rivers blog.
     Dansk fortsættelse - længere nede.

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Better late than never. In March, the Wednesday topics on River's blog are. They were chosen by Susan Kane, but her family is having medical issues. Ergo, if you want to play along, hop over to River's blog.

We were given:
1. interfere 2. light 3. woozy 4. fetch 5. smell 6. remain
1. leap 2. candle 3. overview 4. officer 5. pain 6. wilderness

I jumped back in time, to one of Susan's strange experiences at the Unicorn Farm - and as usual I take up the additional challenge and use the words in the order they were given.

"Sorry, I did not want to interfere," Susan said. "I saw a strange light, and thought it was a piece of glass lying on the floor, and bend down to pick it up. I got up too fast and got all woozy. I only came in here to fetch a glass of water, then the smell made me remain."

Thora smiled at her. "You did not interfere. You helped me with my experiment. That smell is created to make people remain. It's muffins, candy, drinks, what you like best, rolled into one. What was it to you?"

"Tea and cake," Susan answered. "Leap year cake. My great-aunt has her birthday on February 29th, and when she finally has a birthday, she has a cake with candles in it. Next time she has a birthday, she and I will be the same age."

Did you make a list over your birthdays to get an overview?" Thora asked.

"Yes we did," Susan answered. "But her husband, he's a naval officer and a mathematical genius, he could do it in his head. He can do all kinds of sums and trigonometry, but his English is a pain to listen to."

"Now we two have to leave this wilderness of enticing smells and go have some real nourishment. Do you realize that you stayed here for hours?"

"No I did not, only five minutes, at most fifteen minutes," Susan protested. But then the one o'clock bell rung, and Susan's stomach rumbled. She realized that Thora was right. "You made me miss my lessons!" she said.

"It's OK," Thora said. "I have told Jon that I needed you as a guinea pig. Don't tell anybody about this experiment. It's a secret. Add I might need you again later."

"I won't," Susan promised, "But I do not like you stealing my time like this. But all in the cause of magic." Susan ended just before they reached the Barn where the tables were ready for lunch.

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Og så på dansk. Vi fik disse ord:

1. forstyrre/blande sig 2. lys/lysglimt/let 3. svimmel 4. hente 5. lugte 6. blive/forblive
1. spring/hop/skudår 2. (stearin)lys 3. overblik 4. officer 5. smerte/pine/plage 6. vildmark/ødemark

Jeg fortæller en lille episode i min uendelige Susan-historie. Denne gang en af de første gange, Susan møder magi på Enhjørningegården. Og som sædvanlig bruger jeg ordene i rækkefølge.

"Undskyld, jeg ville ikke forstyrre," sagde Susan. "Jeg så et mærkeligt lysglimt og troede, at det var et stykke glas, der lå på gulvet, og bøjede mig ned for at samle det op. Jeg rejste mig for hurtigt op og blev helt svimmel. Jeg kom kun herind for at hente et glas vand, og så fik lugten mig til at blive."
     Thora smilede til hende. "Du forstyrrede dig ikke ind i det. Du hjalp mig med mit eksperiment. Den lugt er skabt for at få folk til at blive. Det er muffins, slik, drinks, hvad som helst, du kan lide. Hvad var det for dig?"
     "Te og kage," svarede Susan. "Skudårskage. Min grandtante har fødselsdag den 29. februar, og når hun endelig har fødselsdag, får hun en kage med lys i. Næste gang hun har fødselsdag, vil hun og jeg være lige gamle."
     Har I lavet en liste over jeres fødselsdage for at få et overblik?" spurgte Thora.
     "Ja, det har vi," svarede Susan. "Men hendes mand, han er flådeofficer og et matematisk geni, han kunne gøre det i hovedet. Han kan regne alt ud i hovedet, også trigonometri, men hans engelsk er en plage at høre på."
     "Nu må vi to forlade dette vildnis af lokkende dufte og gå ud og få noget rigtig mad. Er du klar over, at du har været her i flere timer?"
     "Nej, det har jeg da ikke, kun fem minutter, højst et kvarter," protesterede Susan. Men så slog klokken et, og Susans mave rumlede. Hun indså, at Thora havde ret. "Du fik mig til at forsømme min undervisning!" sagde hun.
     "Det er i orden," sagde Thora. "Jeg har fortalt Jon, at jeg har brug for dig som forsøgskanin. Du må ikke fortælle nogen om dette eksperiment. Det er en hemmelighed. Og jeg får måske brug for dig igen senere."
     "Det skal jeg nok lade være med," lovede Susan, "Men jeg bryder mig ikke om, at du stjæler min tid på denne måde. Men alt for magiens skyld." sluttede Susan lige før de nåede Laden, hvor bordene var klar til frokost.

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March 1 question - Have you ever read a line in novel or a clever plot twist that caused you to have author envy?

My answer - Sigrid Undset's The Wild Orchid & The Burning Bush. There's so many great lines and the plot is exceptionally good. I wish to write just half as well.

4 kommentarer:

  1. A smell that makes you want to remain? There is a bakery near my daughter's house that smells divine no matter what they are baking.

    1. Something like this, only magically enhanced.

  2. I do hope they let Susan make up the lessons, it's not fun to get behind even with permission.

    There were a couple of typing errors, and i know you say you type in HTML and there's no spell check. Would it work to type initially in HTML then change it to composition mode, let the spell check do the work so you can make corrections, then switch it back?

    1. Thanks a load. This works, with only a few crazy - and easy to find - codes inserted, and with my not so stellar English spelling it is needed!


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.