fredag den 30. oktober 2020

Theposekugler igen -- Tea Bag Baubles Revisited.

Once upon a time MotherOwl made tea bag baubles. And as she adheres to the spiral approach principle* things tend to come back. Now we are at tea bag baubles again. Let's have a small flashback:

The first ones:

The Japanese-inspired oneMorning Glory:

The one with a story:

and the crazy one:

Now dear old Leonardo (via Wikipedia) inspired MotherOwl:

18 squares! I can do this!

It has a size like a snowball. It's a perfect size. Love it. MotherOwl sees more baubles of this kind in the future. MotherOwl calls those da Vinci Baubles named after the inspirator.
Did you notice the teacups?

*spiral approach principle: Many times now MotherOwl has intended to write about this principle. It will happen eventually. In the meantime Wikipedia is you friend.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Leonardo continues to inspire many. And to fill us with awe as well.
    I love your baubles and I did notice the teacups.
    I hope I do reconnect with the spiral higher each time but fear the opposite is sometimes true...

    1. Yes Leonardo truly was and is (awe)inspiring.
      The idea is, that we get a little bit further from basics each time, but I also presume that there's an ideal time spacing between the single sessions (spaced repetition system or some such idea), and if you do not hit those sweet spots, you drop down a level - or how to say this. But over time, you still get higher up.

  2. My eyes had to squint even after i clicked on the picture to see the teacups. Yes, i am not wearing my reading glasses.

    Anyway, i enjoy seeing your teabag baubles, you are very talented.


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