søndag den 18. oktober 2020

Show and Tell - Sunday selection

 Elephant's Child tells about Sunday Selections:
Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim at Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files.

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and Elephant's Child have accepted the mantle.
  The week that just ended was Autumn holidays in Denmark, and the weather has been mostly fine Clear, sunny and cold.
  We've relaxed, sat a lot in front of our computers playing catch up, writing, playing ...
  We've been to the woods hunting for mushrooms and wood monsters (no photos - they're rather elusive). We've eaten cakes and apples and fresh walnuts. Here's a little look into what happened.
On our way to the woods we got our bikes from the shed
This Marigold grew in front of it.
I hope it will propagate.
Morning sunlight over a paddock in our village.
It looks like there's a secret place in that sunlit corner.

And as usual the first frost arrived with the holidays.
GardenOwl is not amused!

We found this mushroom in the woods.
Beautiful, but inedible - even poisonous.
We also found a very small harvest of edible ones.
And one greyish day I spent revisiting, collecting and editing
the chapters of Unicorn Farm
and all my Poetry Monday poems.
This is a sketch for Awakening.

PS. D... New Blogger is acting up again - now adding empty lines between frame and photo and between photo and caption. I cannot find out how to eliminate them. not even in HTML, so they just stay. BOTHER THEM!

3 kommentarer:

  1. How I love your selections and would love to wander (and mushroom hunt) with you. The marigold and the poisonous funghi are equally beautiful.
    And hiss and spit at New Blogger which does my head in on a regular basis making familiar tasks a mind-bending chore.

  2. How lovely is that marigold particularly but the rest of your pictures are gorgeous as well. Like a fairytale. Ihaven't been framing pictures to encounter your problem but the extra steps of of paragraph formatting is annoying.


  3. So many pretty things and places!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.