lørdag den 10. oktober 2020

Open Letter to New Blogger - Is single spacing a project for programmers? - Updated with an abstract in English.

Thanks to WWW for telling me that not everybody "speaks" HTML. The beef of the issue is that if you just press Enter, you'll have double line spacing. Shift + Enter gives the normal single line spacing in an easy way. A new trick to learn. I'm ranting a bit here about how irksome DNB can be.

-- 🖋️ original post ✎ --

  Hello Blogger! I need a feature to make single line spacing consistently and without having to re-choose "Normal" every time I go to HTML and back, or indeed every time I add a photo or ... (fill in your own experiences here).

  When I open a new post, it looks promising Yes! "Normal" is pre-selected!

But when I click the 'paper' to begin writing ...
all of a sudden it says "Paragraph" (Afsnit in Danish - I can't make Blogger speak English either).
  And even worse:  a  < p > (spaces necessary to show the code - don't see them) is inserted at the very beginning, making my post begin with two empty lines - but why?
  And this small piece of code is re-inserted every single time I switch between HTML and Write. 

Well re-selecting "Normal" once again, insert photo, press enter twice to insert new photo ... but now Paragraph is chosen once again! I select HTML to see what's happening here:
and all this was happening! All the code after "either)." was created by Blogger when I re-selected Normal. It should have looked like this: 

Nice and simple, two new lines (carriage returns) for oldies old enough to remember a typewriter. Do I have to open HTML and clean for five minutes every time I write a Blog post to make it look like I want it to?

Anybody out there tech-savvy enough to tell me how to circumvent this?

5 kommentarer:

  1. I can't understand any of this but I feel your pain.


    1. Oh, Yes I can understand that not everybody "speaks" HTML. The beef is that if you just press Enter, you'll have double line spacing. Shift + Enter gives the normal single line spacing in an easy waty. A new trick to learn. I think I'll update this blog post with this information. Thanks for commenting on my gibberish.

  2. Sigh.
    I only speak a very little HTML.
    Mind you, while New Blogger asks for feedback, it is a very one way street. I would appreciate the occasional reply as well. 'Sometimes' trial and error indicates that they have been listening, but mostly it feels like shouting in the wind.

    1. I do agree. A heads up, your complains have been heard, we've now added / repaired / abolished this or that would be so wonderful. Actually you can go HERE to see some of the changes, but mark you only some.

  3. Meanwhile, i continue to try to find ways to work around at least some of the aggravations, with limited success.


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