lørdag den 24. oktober 2020

TAK - Thankful

   I dag er Uglemor glad, når hun kigger på vejrmeldingen fra Bedre Vejr. Ikke fordi det bliver regnvejr i morgen - det er hun mindre begejstret for faktisk - men på grund af den lille ekstra afstand mellem skyerne, som pilen ved den glade smiley peger på.
     For den betyder at sommertiden slutter i nat - og vi får normaltid og dermed vil det være lyst om morgenen igen fra på mandag når vækkeuret ringer! HURRA!

  Today I am happy when I look at the weather forecast from Bedre Vejr (means Better Weather). Not because it's going to rain tomorrow - I'm less excited about that actually - but because of the little extra space between the clouds that the arrow next to the happy Smiley is pointing at.
  Because it means thatDaylight Saving Time ends tonight - and we get Standard Time back and thus it will not be dark any more when the alarm goes off come Monday! HURRA!

6 kommentarer:

  1. We have beautiful rain at the moment - and it is predicted to fall all next week. Which make the garden and me very happy.
    We also have daylight savings time - which I think starts too early and goes on for toooooooo long.
    Hooray for your sleep in.

    1. DST "starts too early and goes on for toooooooo long" heartfelt YES. Those Frenchies had their way, unfortunately. When I was small it was a month shorter in each end and thus bearable. I hate dark mornings!

  2. I just closed my bedroom window. It's been open forever, but today the temp dropped. I like the gap between your clouds. Finding the small sweet things in life is good.


    1. Small thankfuls are not halv bad. My window stays stubbornly open for a while yet, even though we had the first frost already, temperatures now are mild.

  3. Ah, yes, the change back to normal time is a good thing.


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