tirsdag den 27. oktober 2020

Remove Double Spacing!

Or: What I do every time, I have written a Blog Post.

Edit: I promise to soon stop agonizing over D... New Blogger, but here's another one.

  No matter how careful I am, I sometimes forget to press "shift + enter" and just hit "enter". Or I insert text from somewhere else. Or I insert a photo, or a link, or just plain write something. Any old how, my nemesis:  Double Line Spacing, is sure to occur.

I  do this. Every time ... when first writing and editing is done.

For "pase" in the last section, please read "paste"

Mission complete and hit Publish. Stupid New Blogger!

7 kommentarer:

  1. How I wish that blogger hadn't taken it upon themselves to fix what wasn't broken.
    I am still being driven crazy (more crazy?) by accessing my reading list.

    1. Wishing is free - and I do lots of it! Plus I keep on using the in-Blogger report-a-problem function and hope this helps ;)
      Reading list is a thing, I do not use at all. I use a blog feed or whatever it's called, in the side bar. What's so smart about the reading list? I don'rt know anything about it at all.
      PS It's all Google acting up. All your comments always go into my spamfolder, even though I added you to my adress book, made filtres telling gmail that EC is NOT a spammer. They plain do not listen - there either. Sigh.

    2. I follow so many blogs that I cannot use the sidebar. The reading list (at least in theory) shows me the most recent posts as people put them up. In practice as the moment it adds them at will, and often places them where they should be hours after they are posted. And yes, I report the problems. And report them again.
      I am sorry that blogger is convinced I am spam. WordPress decides the same thing at intervals.

  2. Why should they listen, they know that we can't do anything about it.

    1. They do listen. The probem is that they do not communicate; bugs are fixed without anything written anuywhere it's up to us to find out via trial and error what works today and what not.

  3. Svar
    1. It seem like it. I haven't deleted anything. There's nothing in the spam foder either and I've had no notification in my e-mail. A cyber worm ate it between here and there?


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.