mandag den 26. oktober 2020

Poetry Monday :: Favourite Potables

Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and Diane of On the Border are taking turns supplying us with a topic for this weekly endeavour. They also both write wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious or simply honestly well written verse. Go and read. Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is taking a break due to her husband's health issue. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy and lots of prayers their way.

  I feel a bit like singing the same old song in new dresses. Because my favourite whatever is not one (Hubby is the exception to this rule), but dependant on temper, season, weather and company.

  I have something to ask of you: If you read this and the poetry of others, would you please leave a comment. Half - if not more - the fun of these challenges is receiveng the responses of others.

I love a glass of water on hot, bright summers day.
I'll take a mug of tea, dear, when skies are murky, grey.
And when the snow is falling, hot cocoa is a treat,
For every single season no drink meets every need.

At Summer's beaches swimming we love our lemonade,
Hot coffee from our thermos as Springtime's brook we wade.
A Winter's day of cold and grey for mulled wine do call.
In Autumn's clear those I hold dear like milkshakes great and small.

And for a birthday party our differences are a task
For some take tea, and cocoa some, and others even ask
Politély, but nonetheless for neighbour's bitter hops.
So we take this and coffee too and different soda pops.

And every day when darkness falls and evening comes around
With after dinner cuppas we surely will be found.
Dear hubby sips with eager lips his coffee strong and hot,
While MotherOwl with quiet howl takes tea from steaming pot.

The topic for next Monday is A High School Antic. Thank you Mimi.

9 kommentarer:

  1. Oh yes.
    A change is as good as a holiday most definitely applies to my favourite drinks too.
    Water I drink most often, followed (probably equally) by chai tea and tonic water.
    And sometimes I do like a celebratory glass of bubbles (just one).
    I thoroughly enjoyed your poem - as I always do.

    1. Thank you. Celebratory glasses are not bad, just one, and when you have reason to celebrate. I'm neither a teetotaller nor suffering from an overdose of moral ;) I just do not like the taste of most alcoholic beverages. A good port or sherry or one of our weissbeers are what I like.

  2. We had our first snowfall here last night and I agree with you totally, it's hot cocoa season.
    Stopped by to "meet" you, as Diane was kind enough to let me join your group and post a Poetry Monday poem to my blog today too.

    1. Oh, we only have rains here, but hot coca is served for Owlets coming home from school.
      I'ts nice to 'meet' a new face in this pomery. Welcome. I just looked at your blog. Quite a differnt take than mine.

  3. Perfectly said, Charlotte! Interesting, isn't it? The drinks that suit the seasons. And the events. And the time of day.

  4. Another good poem, Charlotte - well rhymed. I love your comment about islets coming home from school to hot chocolate. That is truly a special memory in the making.

    1. Not islets - Owl-lets. Sorry. Sometimes Autocorrect tries to be too clever!

    2. Autocorrect is not so smart at best :) Thank you.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.