mandag den 5. oktober 2020

Poetry Monday :: Our Favourite Pictures

  Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings and Diane of On the Border  are taking turns supplying us with a topic for this weekly endeavour. 
  They also both write wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious or simply honestly well written verse. Go and read.
   Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is taking a break due to her husband's health issue. Let's continue  to send warm thoughts, good energy and lots of prayers their way.

My favourite picture. Now does this mean a painting by some famous artist? Or does it depend on what it depicts? Or maybe a picture, that I took myself and like especially well? Or maybe more pictures ... our favourite pictures are plural, yes?

The Favourite Pictures in my book
Are maybe those, I never took
I know, I was not very smart,
but now I have them in my heart.

A photo that I never took
- a picture of that special look
in a newborn baby's eyes
 (As blue as summer skies).
A faraway look, a stranger feel
A look into eternity
Some say, and this might well be real,
Their lack of focus is the cause.
But I know in a day or three,
When they get used to gravity,
That look is lost forever

Another photo not by me
Depicts the subtle greenery
In Spring when buds are bursting.
(For green our eyes were thirsting)
I look and look and fill my mind
And eyes with natures colours.
And never nature was so kind,
The leaves so green and many.
But never can I capture them,
Although I try each time spring come
My camera's not that clever.

I should  just maybe learn to paint.
A work of love, not for the faint
With brushes, easel, aquatint
(what that word means  - not a hint).
Oh I have tried this more than once.
But never could I capture
On canvas what my eye did see
A babe, the subtler greenery
The day I'll learn this noble art
And paint the pictures from my heart,
Will be the twelfth of never.

Next Mondays topic is: Someone we've met.

5 kommentarer:

  1. What a lovely poem. Like you, I am not gifted with painterly talent, but we can rely on our minds and memories to still value what we see.

  2. Oh yes.
    Emphatically yes.
    I am an appreciator not a creator and am endlessly grateful to artists for the images they give us. You included. Your words so often sing to and for me.

  3. Beautiful. Yes there are some things no picture, whether camera or artwork, can capture.

  4. Oh this is beautiful. I took no pictures of an event recently yet it woill always remain in my heart. The best ones stay in our heart. Like our newborn's faces.


  5. Painting pictures from your heart! Perfect!
    So often I am disappointed in what appears when I've taken a picture of something amazing. Sunrises and sunsets are especially disappointing.
    If I just concentrate on capturing them with my heart, all will be well!
    Superb poem!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.