onsdag den 24. juni 2020

Words for Wednesday - 24 June

Countdown: Summer vacation begins in 3 days.

Today as all Wednesdays in June, Messymimi is posting the prompts - she actually did so yesterday my time, much appreciated. Today we are given: 

Another aftermath of the broom racing. And today I took up an old habit: Using the words in the order, they were given.

  Saturday after the broom racing was a day off, Not all brooms were ready for flying, and the professors had agreed to leave the race track in place until later, so that all could have a chance to try it out in the coming week. In the morning Susan was visiting Heidi and her family. Aunt Jemima, who was an avid spectator of broom racing events was still staying with the family.
  Thanks to Thora's prompt ministrations in the sick bay on the day after the racing, Tage was not wholly incapable of walking or using his hands any more. He was still suffering some pains here and there, though, and he would probably have a memorial scar behind his knee for years to come.
  Aunt Jemima had been sitting at the front row when Tage crashed with the obstacle. Now she mumbled swords to the effect that she was not satisfied with Thora's ministrations.
  Kai almost roared at her. Then cooled down and asked her if she could do better. After her admission that she could indeed not do any better, but felt that a son of two so well known wizards should have been treated better, Kai gave her an exasperated look and said. "Dear aunt Jemima, let the past be past."
  Tage gingerly touched his jaw where a vivid red scar was still visible. "It was that exact kind of thinking, that led to all this. I'm not better at flying than Finnbogi or Sif and Elvin, or indeed Fiona, who has no magic parents at all. Ancestry has no bearing on flying skills whatsoever," he said vehemently.
  Aunt Jemima backed down. "Noone in this room was able to do better," Sandra said in a soothing voice, placing a plate of delicious waffles on the table. "And Thora has greatly enhanced Tage's chance of having a normally functioning leg again. I am grateful!"

2 kommentarer:

  1. Well done! Aunt Jemima sounds like some people i know who are just not satisfied no matter what.

    While i am still trying hard to catch up on everyone's blogs, i had to stop and say you may certainly use the fence picture, i would feel honored.


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