mandag den 22. juni 2020

Poetry Monday :: The Pandemic

Countdown: Summer vacation begins in 5 days.

  Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday, supplying us with a theme and crafty poems. They are open for suggestions, and this week, Baili supplied us with The Pandemic.
  Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings also writes a poem for us to enjoy.

   This time I think a WARNING is in place. In this Free Verse Poem, I am an old, grumpy person.
   I've just about had it with news media clamouring for an ease in restricions because of the economic consequences of the epidemic in our small and smug country, all the while seeing people not giving two hoots about distancing, clean hands and so on, and people still dying in great numbers, just not here.
   I've just about had it with news media and sports and music stars going on about this pandemic - how hard it is for them personally and how hard it is for the music and sports scenes.
  And I've just about had it with news media and stars and poems going on about this pandemic changing the face of the earth and bringing about love, peace and harmony.

   If you're not in for a grumpy, incoherent spanking of you, me, and everyone, please go away without reading any further, and return in a few days, when we meet again (at computer distance) for Words for Wednesday.

 -- 🌩 -- 🌩 -- 🌩 -- 🌩  --

Some think this pandemic will change the world.
Some think this pandemic is the worst.
I don't agree.

We have had WWI, WWII, The Vietnam War,
The Spanish Flu, the Plague, The Age of Aquarius.
What did they change?

Well, maybe someone, for a week or two,
Or maybe even a year. Maybe someone changed their life,
But not the world.

Maybe the one who had the solution was killed off by you or me?
Though an abortion, or through our lifestyle.
Just let us think.

Maybe he died of hunger, or lack of clean water,
Or was made blind or crippled by a disease or a pest
In some remote village. 

Maybe he was killed or maimed by the insecticides, pesticides, fungicides
or any of the other -cides, without which no 3rd world farmer
can hope to compete.

Some think this pandemic is bad! You and I are worse!
We're not killing one person or even half a million.
We're killing the world.


Next Monday, we'll talk about Bugs! - Thanks Diane!

10 kommentarer:

  1. We are indeed killing the world. How I wish it wasn't so. Sadly when the restrictions are lifted I fear we will speed up (making up for lost time).
    Is there room on your grumpy soap box for me?

    1. Yes of course! Welcome in the grompu old peoples' club for preservation of Earth and Mankind.

  2. Loudly applauding here.
    Grumpy Donkey

  3. Well said, Charlotte! Is there room for one more grumpy old woman - or shall I be the one to sink the boat?

    1. There's always room for one more, welcome aboard.

  4. I'm signing up! If nothing else, we grumpy old women will feel better for being among friends. Socially distanced of course!

  5. You have said what needs saying.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.