mandag den 15. juni 2020

Poetry Monday :: The Delights/Disasters of Growing Your Own

Countdown: Summer vacation begins in 12 days.

  Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday, supplying us with a theme and crafty poems, they are open for suggestions, as this week, where SpikesBestMate supplied us with The Delights/Disasters of Growing Your Own. Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings also writes a poem for us to enjoy

One year oh not so long ago the weather was just right,
Some sun, some rain, a little wind, and not a trace of blight,
I planted some zucchini then, just like I use to do.
Long yellow ones and round and green, and then some UFOs too,

They grew, they thrived, set leaves and stems and covered the ground.
With yellow flowers, happy bees, the fruits they did abound.
Each day at ten I picked a crop and then again at four.
And if at evening I did look, for sure I'd find some more.

We ate zucchinis day and night, we steamed, we fried and baked
And though they're tasty there were more, we ate till stomachs ached.
And then we got this bright idea. We'll sell zucchinis cheap!
A table covered with cloth, and harvests' bounty heaped,

Here green, there yellow round and long, and UFOs over there
A sign was made, "Zucchinis sold, one Euro each", the price was fair.
At noon another sign was made: "Zucchinis here, no poisons used, two for the price of one".
But still no takers. Evening came. The sign read "3 for one".

Next day I went out for a walk with mornings harvest done.
And all along each road and street were tables like my own.
The only one with empty crates at the very end I'd see
"Strawberries fresh 1 Euro here - have a zucchini free".

Then I went home and picked them up and to my kitchen went.
I washed and grated, sliced and diced, and into bags they went.
And then I filled our freezer up, with bags of all that grew.
With green zucchinis yellow too, and UFOs, just a few.

And all through winter summers joy came back to us again
Zucchini cakes, zucchini stew, zucchini dice and grain.
I'd never had a harvest as abundant as this one.
But if it ever happens, i'll cut the plants - bar one!

Next Monday we'll tackle The Pandemic.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Oh, Charlotte, how I laughed reading your poem! My dad had a few bumper crops of zucchini, too, and I've read of other folks who had the same. It sounds like you outdid them all!

    And maybe you'll laugh when you read about the zucchini in my poem :D

    1. Oh yes I laughed, and felt with you. Bumper crop was a new to me expression. Thank you.

  2. Soooooo very familiar.
    And nothing, but nothing grows as fast as a zucchini. In the morning they are too small and tender to pick and my lunchtime they are humungous monsters.

    1. Yes they're fast and if you're not - veggie bombs are the result.

  3. Charlotte, are you sure your plants were zucchini, and not triffids taking over the veggie world? Your poem really made me laugh!

    1. I'm quite sure. I grow Triffids) too, but these were zucchini of the veggie-bomb variety.

  4. That's a fabulous way of dealing with a garden that explodes with zucchini or anything else. Great poem!


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