mandag den 29. juni 2020

Poetry Monday :: Bugs

  Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday, supplying us with a theme and crafty poems, they are open for suggestions. 
  This Mondays theme is Bugs! Diane has spoken.
  Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings also writes a poem for us to enjoy.

The absolutely only bugs that come to my mind are computer bugs.
Although it's Summer outside, with flying things and slugs!
I sit at my computer whenever there's time
Fighting DNB, whose stupidity is a crime!

I tried a lot of other sites, WP, Wix, Squarespace and mony more.
But trust me, everywhere I went, I just found BUGS galore.
If I don't find a better home,
I think I might be up and gone.

I'm sorry about my depressing obsession with New Blogger and company, but blogging is actually interlinked with a large part of my creativity and fun. 

Next Monday we'll tackle Ligth! Thanks to Jenny

8 kommentarer:

  1. I don't know if my comment is going through, so I'll post again:
    Gahhh! Computer bugs drive me spiffy! Great job on the poem though!

    1. You only posted once, so I guess your first comment disappeared.
      Hand me the "Anti Bat Computer Bug-spray" now!
      Thank you!

  2. Sigh.
    And hiss and spit an new blogger and its plague of bugs. Nasty, smelly, bitey bugs which multiply.

    1. I hope the bugs soon will do the opposite of multiplying! If they would fix the labelling, which really is The Worst, I'd be content.

  3. Hahaha! I KNEW what kind of bugs you'd be writing about today, Charlotte! You've done such a great job tackling New Blogger bugs. I'm depressed to hear that other platforms are just as bad, though. I hope you find a way to stick around in spite of the problems.

    I find it so unfair that Blogger is doing this just to upgrade the interface for smart phone usage. I wonder how many current bloggers even use their phones for blog writing or reading. It looks like Blogger is trying to increase its share of platform usage, but I don't think it will work. Blogs are by nature longer pieces of writing with more time and effort put into them than other platforms like Facebook or Twitter. They don't led themselves to being either read or written on a phone.

    Bah, humbug :)

    1. I am going to stay. I can't imagine not blogging. And the other blogging platforms are worse - hard to imagine, but for me it's true. Just focussed on getting views, adding videos and fashion and such.
      The upgrade is bad, and worse is that people go to Blogger forums to complain about new Blogger not working on their mobile devices! As you so aptly put it: Bah, humbug!

  4. Hej. Jeg har ikke selv brugt Blogger men er lige begyndt at bruge Wordpress. Man skal jo betale for det, men ca 300 kr om aaret og jeg synes faktisk den interface er meget intuitiv og nem at bruge. Haaber ikke problemer med Blogger faar dig til at holde op med at skrive!

    1. Jeg prøvede at lave en - godt nok gratis - WP blog. Og i løbet af ½ time havde jeg forkludret layout, skrifttyper osv til ukendelighed + at der var masser af de ting, jeg gerne ville kunne, som jeg på ingen måde kunne finde ud af at gøre, for eksempel kunne jeg ikke ændre linjeafstanden generelt, kun for et afsnit ad gangen ! Jeg slettede min konto i vrede til sidst, ikke mindst irriteret over at WP ligesom overtager, og ikke ville lade mig kommentere på andre WP blogs uden at logge ind.
      Jeg tror slet ikke, at jeg KAN holde op med at skrive. Og en eller anden gang finder jeg måske den perfekte blog-platform. WP er for mig i familie med Apples iTing - jeg kan bare ikke med dem, der mangler en hjernevinding af den rette facon i min hjerne ;)


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