tirsdag den 30. juni 2020

Sømvæven igen -- Pinloom revisited

I de forgangne dage har jeg vævet omkring 10 firkanter på sømvæven. Det er ikke mange, men nok til at finde på forbedringer.

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  The last couple of days I've made all of ten squares on my pinloom. Not many, but enough to make some improvements.

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De første to er forbedringer af selve væven. Ankersøm og et manglende søm:
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The first two are improvements to the loom proper. Some anchoring pins and a missing pin:
Herunder i funktion:
- Garnet er forankret til ankersømmene i stedet for om det første søm. Det giver - synes jeg - en bedre start. Og det er også nemmere at få firkanten af igen, når den er færdig.
- Der, hvor sømmet er fjernet, kan jeg komme til med hæklenålen, og eftersom jeg starter samme sted hver gang på grund af ankersømmene, er det også altid der, jeg skal have min hæklenål ind.
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 Here you can see the improvements being used:
- The yarn is anchored to the anchoring pins instead of to the first corner pin. This gives - I think - a better beginning, and it's easier to get the finished square off the loom.
- Where the pin is removed, I have an open space to insert my crochet hook. And as I always start in the same corner, due to the anchoring pins, I also always insert my crochet hook from the same place.

     Den anden ændring er en ting, der irriterede mig ved de første to grønne firkanter. En af kanterne så sære ud.
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The other improvement is in the weaving. I was bothered by the look of one of the edges.
Jeg kiggede på den firkant, jeg lige var i gang med, og fandt ud af at det skyldtes at garnet snoede sig om sømmet. Om det er noget, jeg gør forkert, eller om det er normalt, ved jeg ikke. Men hvis nogen har samme problem, er løsningen lige her:

- Sno garnet. I stedet for at lægge det rundt om sømmet, holder jeg løkken mellem tommel- og pegefinger og så vender jeg løkken mod venstre og lægger den om sømmet. Så ser det sådan her ud.
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I looked at the square, I was weaving, and noticed that the yarn crossed over itself just behind the pin. It might be something I do wrong, as an Interweb search yielded no solutions. But if anybody make the same mistake as I do, here's a solution:
- Twist the yarn. I hold the yarn loop between thumb and index finger, and instead of just placing it over the pin, I twist it to the left, and then place the resulting loop over the pin. Thus the yarn is crossed over and will uncross upon weaving. Like this:

Og så bliver kanterne ens på alle fire sider:
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And all four sides of the square now look alike:
Fine kanter - Nice edges

9 kommentarer:

  1. Clever you.
    I was reminded as I looked at the process of my mother's bobbin lace. The principles appear to be the same.

    1. Thank you. This is way easier than bobbin lace. I have only one working thread and the pins are fixed. I have tried lace making - Can't do! It requires right-left comprehension way beyond me (Means that I mistake right for left and left for right all the time, three-dimensional is even worse). Maybe I'm spatially challenged :)

    2. Simpler it 'may' be but the principles remain the same from what I could see.
      Watching my mother was fascinating (and humbling). She taught herself and later designed her own patterns as well.

  2. Looking at this piece, which is lovely, I wonder if knitting would be faster? I would watch the nuns work on lace and honestly, the patience. I am working on a blanket at the moment, pictures to follow when complete.


    1. I'm not a super-fast knitter, not slow exactly either. And I think that pin-weaving (or whatever the right term might be) is faster than knitting, Its a continuous strand, no weaving over and under except for the hook. I'd like a locker hook to do this with - it would be even faster then. But of course some time is used for sewing together the squares in the end. I'm excited to hear about your blanket and hope you finish it soon, so that we might see it :)

  3. This diagonal weaving does not remind me of bobbin lace at all, but perhaps it's because I mainly make tape lace.
    You developed your loom and weaving to perfection, I love the last square. Makes me think I might delve into a 101st hobby ...

    1. Sorry, like you I need another hobby just as much as more mosquito bites, yet they just come ;)

  4. It looks very clever - I like it.

    God bless.


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