onsdag den 24. juni 2020

DNB of the day 3

Countdown: Summer vacation begins in 3 days.
Some good news - scroll down.

  It just makes so much fun scrolling through 1436 posts at a max of 5 posts per screen to look for an old one. And to make things worse, even I can scroll faster than our very slow internet connexion can show the posts. That black square down left says "Getting more posts" I see it all the time.

Of course a consequence of this is that you need a way to publish, delete or take down your blog posts when you finally find them without adding a checkmark and scrolling all the way back to the top - this could have been interesting - Blogger please do not implement this.

  But this solution, making the posts jump ever so slightly on mouseover and draw my eyes there. No thanks.Why not keep the TEXT labels fixed on top like in Legacy Blogger? As the Germans say "Quadratisch - Praktisch - Gut"

And some good news: Now photos add where the cursor is situated if it's not only a lot of empty lines. Complaining helps. Let's all complain!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you. Your diligence has inspired me.
    I will use dratted New Blogger to prepare my Sunday Selections this week. AND Words for Wednesday for next month. (Cindi has asked me to put up her prompts at my blog.)

    1. Thank you, and please remember to tell Blogger every time you find something dysfunctional or a bug. I hope to hear about your experience. And look forward to more WfW ;)

  2. Did you know that you can use the search function to find posts if you know the topic? At least it will narrow down the possibilities and makes it easier to find the exact post you're looking for. I see there must still be a search function in new blogger - that magnifying glass at the top of the screenshot. Type in topic or keywords there.

    I've had a look at new blogger and don't find it as bad as I anticipated, but then again I don't do much besides write, insert pictures or video, and publish. And I only have one blog :)

    1. Yes I know, and it sometimes works ;) Just like in Legacy you have to remember the exact word you used. A search for "Tomato" will give you all posts with the word "tomato" in it, Not "Tomatoes" "Tomatoplant", etc. Truncation possibilities would have been great!
      I it not as bad as it could have been, true. But an improvement which makes something harder to use, is not an improvement in my head ;)

  3. But I'm still glad Blogger is listening and thank you for your diligence in vetting it.


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