torsdag den 25. juni 2020

DNB of the Day 4

  Countdown: Summer vacation begins in 2 days.

The same problem with the scrolling through loads of units rears its ugly head when I try to find an old photo to re-use. 2000 photos are not much for an old blog like mine  ... Oh, OK middle aged, 8 years and a bit.
Here you can see, or rather, you can't

4 kommentarer:

  1. Sigh. I tend not to reuse photos on my blog but, as you know, it is a very photo heavy blog and images is the thing I most dread about New Blogger.

  2. Sometimes there are glitches like the one you've above but usually if you refresh your browser it works again, at least, in my experience that's how most errors gets fixed.

    I read all your DNB posts and I must admit, there really are a lot of downside to the new blogger but we can't do much but complain as you said in one of your posts.

    I also agree that using symbols instead of text to indicate a task is a bit too spare.

    I hope they (google) will make some improvement with this new blogger.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Not a glitch, it's just soo slow, I could manage to snap several screenshots while the photos were made acessible. This persisted - even after reloading, closing and opening the PC and it's still there, at least with my not so fast internet connexion.
      Yes, it seems they're testing on the go. Many of the issues, I had in the beginning, are now fixed. I think they might need more time, but make them admit this ... sigh.

  3. The problems persist, and i am wondering how to proceed.


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