lørdag den 13. juni 2020

Old vs. New Blogger

Inspired by River at Drifting through Life I'm comparing Legacy and New Blogger ... Sorry all the words are in Danish. I did not think to change my settings first.

In the Legacy version I can see more posts, and I can see all my labels.
In New Blogger I can see my Avatar, and I can see either a miniature of the first photo in the post or the initial letter of the title. 

Let's get inside: 
In the Legacy version, I can see all options in the top nav bar and I can see all right bar options without having to de-expand "Labels" first. And I can see many more labels, when I choose to expand the labels window.
I can read the words: New post, Publish, Save, Show example, and Close. Yes, I'm a words-person. I have to think extra to find and understand the floating ⊕, <>, 💾, ☉, or ➤ And of course they changed places, so I misclick often.

Now for a photo:
In New Blogger I need one more click every single time I want to insert a photo; and every single time I want to change the size of said photo to the standard options as shown in the lower part here.

Conclusion: I am SO going to stick with the Legacy version. The new one requires more clicks for the same contents, it's filled up with icons and bling; I find no new functionalities, just a lot of empty space in between things.
I'm so happy there's an option to go back to the old, practical, compact Blogger. And I'm afraid that if / when the New blogger is stuffed down my throat I'll stop blogging or find another "home".

Back to the Legacy version, yes please!

11 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks for this detailed analysis, Charlotte, most helpful. I wonder why they didn't follow the old philosophy of: "If it ain't broke don't fix it." It sounds really unwieldy. Some I know are transitioning their blogs to paid websites. Worth considering.


    1. Their own reason is that people mostly use mobile devices nowadays, but well ... using this on a smaller screen would be even worse. The saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it." fits the bill - or maybe "Only fix what's broke"? Paid websites, hmm, if I'm able to find one as minimalistic, compact and intuitive for me as Blogger is. I tried WordPress (free edition), but I never succeeded in making anything look remotely the way I imagined. I stay as long as Legacy Blogger stays, then ... only time will tell.

  2. Sigh. Selfishly I do hope you don't leave the blogging world. I would badly miss your posts.
    I have put my toes in the new blogger waters a couple of times, but have quickly reverted. I do hope that the 'legacy' blogger is left in place. I am probably hoping in vain.

    1. I sure want to stay, I love reading blogs and writing them as well. But just as I up and left Firefox, when they took away the possibility to customize it to my liking, I am probably leaving Blogger if they do not leave Legacy Blogger in place. Where I go to, is an open question. I have tried - and disliked - several alternative solutions.

  3. New Blogger won't let me post pictures when on my ipad, so it does not work better with mobile devices. It's a pain.

    1. Well defying its new purpose and ruining the old. That is a redo!

  4. I have had my head buried in the sand so far with the new Blogger. Your assessment is making me avoid it even more. I wonder how many people even use a mobile device to read blogs, much less write them. I think Blogger is making a huge mistake.

    Which reminds me, I really have to get busy and copy/paste all my posts to my hard drive. I would like to save my poems at least.

    Thank you for the information here, Charlotte.

    1. Yes I too hope they have second thoughts about new Blogger. I hope - i vain - that Blogger people read my review an more like it.
      Copy / paste is not good enough for me. I have an external hard disk as well as a paper copy. ... Who said anything about overcautiousness?
      Thank you.

  5. I have sad news for you. I read at 'Blogger Buzz' (which you can see if you go to 'Reading list' in your dashboard and on the right side link) that by late July, bloggers will not be able to use Legacy anymore. Sad but true.

    I have stayed at the new version because I know the only way to adjust is to use it. So far, I have no problems but I do wish they put words under those symbols in the post area. You can see the words if you hover your mouse over the symbol but it's not quite the same.

    Change is hard but I think you can adjust even if it takes some time. I hope you won't stop blogging because of this.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. That is sad news indeed.
      My biggest problem is the one in the second picture. No amount of "getting used to" or "adjusting" will make all the icons in the band visible when I enlarge the text enough to be read by me - I am visually impaired (read half blind due to small holes in my retina).
      It is not that I cannot use the new Blogger, I can, and I am - if I may say so myself - very good at everything digital and IT-related; I am just deeply annoyed by the slowness and lack of user-friendliness coming with New Blogger. Almost everything requires more scrolling and/or more clicks to do the same things. And all that useless empty space ... sigh. I might go somewhere else ... my big problem is WHERE else to go, as I found Blogger eminently suited to my needs and wants.

    2. And one thing more EVERY single time I open a blog post, the label selection thingy is open. That is stupid.


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