lørdag den 1. februar 2020

Reading Challenges - February List

  This year I have decided to join two reading challenges:

  As always my trusty D12 with one face for each month of the year, will play a prominent role.
  I'll let it roll it on the first (or close to) of every month, letting it decide which book to bring with me on train rides and elsewhere in the month to come.
  January's roll gave me a 7: Classic with a Person's Name in the Title. For the Back to the Classics Challenge.
  I chose The Dragon and the George from my Christmas gift of old, second hand Science Fiction and Fantasy books.
  This book also counts for the United Kingdoms category of European Reading Challenge.

February 1st ... and I got a 12. Time to dust off Dr. Zhivago, book and movie. Also counting for Russia in the European Reading Challenge. I just have to find an edition without those posh transcriptions of Russian names. When for instance the name Afanasyev is written Afanas'ev and Olga written Ol'ga, I stumble over those small thingies - every time. I might have to find an English translation.

 The categories and my ideas 
          - to be extended, supplemented, updated and re-posted from time to time:
  1. 19th Century Classic.  Through the Looking Glass A long time want to read
  2. 20th Century Classic. Glasperlenspiel (Glass Bead Game).
  3. Classic by a Woman Author. Pilgrimage: The Book of The People
  4. Classic in Translation. Almost any books I read in Danish or German ;)
  5. Classic by a Person of Color. Katitzi og Swing (Name in English?) by Katitzi Taikon - I hope a Roma count as non-white (they are, according to me) and I have long had this childrens' auto-fiction on my to read-list..
  6. A Genre Classic. Time to peruse my Christmas gift.
  7. Classic with a Person's Name in the Title: The Dragon and the George. ✔️
  8. Classic with a Place in the Title. The Clocks of Iraz
  9. Classic with Nature in the Title. The Wind in the Willows, also a long time want to read.
  10. Classic About a Family. Brideshead Revisited? Nope it sure belongs to 12. Off to the library and second hand stores, when I get a 10.
  11. Abandoned Classic. Dr. Zivago, or maybe Marts 1970 - I tried both too many times. 
  12. Classic Adaptation. Brideshead Revisited fits here for sure, but on a second thought so does Dr. Zivago. I loved the film, when I saw it. I dreamed of living in Russia, even going to the extreme of teaching myself Cyrillic letters and handwriting - I can't read my diary from way back then any more ;)  
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  For the European Reaiding Challenge, I aim high. I signed up for the FIVE STAR (DELUXE ENTOURAGE): Read at least five books by different European authors or books set in different European countries.
  But I fully intend to at least try to win the JET SETTER PRIZE for the participant who reads and reviews the greatest number of qualifying books (more than five).

Countries to 'visit'
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and Vatican City.
 So many books ... so little time

4 kommentarer:

  1. And now I am feeling like the lazy slug I am - I read whatever I want, as the spirit moves me. It's a whole different approach!

    Good luck with your plan. You are going to cover a lot of ground and probably learn a lot as well. I'm so impressed about your learning of Russian.

    1. As long as you read, you're not lazy, dear Jenny. I love to read - and read a lot. But sometimes I need a gentle push, or maybe a kick ;) to leave my comfort zone and read something I would not have read else-ways. These challenges are a good way of opening my eyes for new ways to look at books.
      My Russian is woefully forgotten, I was maybe 14 then - many years ago! And as I have studied Polish since, what might have been left is buried deep.

  2. Like jenny_o, the discipline of reading to a challenge daunts my lazy self. I have been very, very tempted by your reports of The Dragon and The George though and may have to track it down. And add it to my unread towers.

  3. My biggest challenge is to find time to read what's already on my list, i admire those who add even more to their reading lists!


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