mandag den 17. februar 2020

Poetry Monday :: Blue

  Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday. 

This weeks theme from Diane On the Border, is Blue!
Which as chance will have it is my favourite colour too. 

  Normally Mimi is
also participating. Today is my Poetry Monday post number 52. This means I have been writing a poem each Monday for a year. I deserve a cake! 

-- 🎂 --

What is the bluest thing you'd say? 
The sky a sunny Summer's day?
The deep calm sea down at the bay?

Cornflowers blooming in the hay?
A chicory along my way?

The eyes of newborn babes some say?
The look into my true loves eye?
Kingfishers in their airborne play?

Our Lady's mantle as we pray
on pilgrimage one day in May?

All these are blue as blue can be.
But listen, between you and me
The bluest thing I'll ever see
Is the blue flower of poetry.

Next Mondays theme will be up to Jenny, the Procrastinating Donkey. And it is: Puzzles!

5 kommentarer:

  1. You definitely deserve a cake. A rich and delicious cake.
    I love your description of poetry as a blue flower.

    1. We had cake, not as in the emoji, but still a nice one with raisins, lots of raisins.
      I did steal the blue flower of poetry somewhere. I think it's a more used metaphor in Danish.

  2. Now why have I never thought of having a cake reward for MY blogging milestones?! Cake's not just for birthdays - hah

    Lovely lines in this poem. I was wishing I had pictures for my poem today of my newborn grandsons' eyes - they were such a deep blue.

    1. You sure deserve a cake too ;)
      Newborn babies' eyes are so very blue, and then they have that certain, 'far look' that you just cannot fathom, or even - I think - capture in a photo.

  3. Hope you did get your cake, this poem was beautiful!


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