mandag den 24. februar 2020

Poetry Monday :: Puzzles

Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday. 
This weeks theme from Jenny is Puzzles, 
Honestly! the only rhyme I can find is muzzles, 

Normally Mimi is
also participating.

I once had a favourite puzzle, The Poor Poet.
We pulled it out a couple of times a year,
We made parts of it. But only parts. Blow it!
First the umbrella, then the books, then the rear
with window and towel and tophat
Then the stove with its dish to relieve all the black:
In front of the stove, is it boots or a cat?
We ended on boots with a bootjack.
But never the puzzle was finished,
It took us so long, weeks and days.
The value of finish diminished
and the table wanted for other plays.

Next week Diane's returning home
and gives us gnomes. Or combs. Or foam.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Growing up my mother had a table reserved for jigsaws. And some of them took months and months to complete. Cats playing with the pieces didn't help either.
    I enjoyed your poem (as I always do). Thank you.

    1. We too had a table - a small round one reserved for puzzles - and all other play. The problem was that we never finished this puzzle in time to give place to all the other things, we wanted to do, clay modelling, bead weaving, dollhouse furinture making and so on. Or some holidays with guests arriving made it neccesary for us to clear the table. I never finished it. As a grown up I've been looking for this puzzle, but never found it. I'd like to finish it some time.

  2. "The value of finish diminished" - oh, how I love this line! It applies to so many things that linger too long :) You did a great job with this topic. Once again, I found my poetry muse lacking. Maybe next week. Diane has offered three topics!

    1. Thank you, Jenny. I feel sorry for your muse. And not least you for having to put up with her pouting. I have been going through a time where my muse did not want to work either, I twisted her arm by writing either a haiku or an elfje each Monday. It helped, now it's not as hard or unfun as it has been, but I still hope for the ease and joy of writing poetry will return.
      And I sure hope the same for you - and hope that you also find a way to bring your muse back to work. And remember, at short poem is a poem too. Size does not matter here :D

    2. Thank you for the encouragement - it helps :)

  3. It's fun to work on the puzzles, but that is diminished if you can't finish, so I hope you find the puzzle someday.


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