tirsdag den 25. februar 2020

Broom Racing 3 - 4th installment

I'm sorry if anybody have seen Broom Racing The Aftermath in their blog-feed. It wont go live until just before midnight my time. As I had forgotten a small but important scene. 
No Words, just words. 

In the late afternoon everybody gathered in the meadow. Professors, apprentices, parents and friends. The Nisser carried laden trays to the rickety tables that threatened to crumble under the weight.
Martine and Torben rose from their places at the professors' table and mounted a small platform. They faced the congregated wizards and Martine spoke: "Good evening wizards and witches, apprentices and adepts, guests and family. It is my pleasant job to announce the winner of this mornings broom race. First the individual prizes. Third place: Elvin Reynisson, please come up here and receive your prize."
Elvin rose from his place between Sif and a gigantic man looking just like him only twice as broad and half again as tall.
"That man, Sif and Elvin's father, he's just so big I would not believe it if I had not sen him." Heidi said 
"Yes he's truly gigantic," Susan said. He's even bigger than my father, and he's one of the biggest persons I ever met. By the way he's called Reynir."
"Do you know him?," Veronika asked, "I have never seen him before."
"No, I have never seen him before, but Sif is Reynisdottir and Elvin is Reynisson, so he must me Reynir." Susan said smiling. "Did you forget our lessons of names and  patronymics in Icelandic?"
"Oh man you're such a show off, Susan,"  Veronika laughed. "I am so hoping we'll all beat you at the race track tomorrow."

"And second place, Sif Reynisdottir!" Martine's magically augmented voice sounded over the small talk and sounds of eating in the meadow. Everybody applauded, some more than other. "Come up here and get your prize."
"What are in those prizes?" Veronika asked, and Susan listened in as well.
"I don't know," Tage said. Lis looked just as blank, and even Heidi, who normally was curious for four had not been able to find out.
"Well we're about to find out. I suppose," Veronika said, smiling fondly at her little sister sitting silently and pale next to her. Their parents had not come, same as Susan's and most other non-wizarding parents.
Sif joined her family, and Martine said: "Finally first place in the individual race: Fiona Andersen. Come here Fiona, you truly deserve your prize!" And followed by generous applause from almost everybody, Fiona walked up to the platform, shakily mounting the four low steps and walked over to Martine. She was given a burlap sack, just like Sif and Elvin had gotten.
She sat down, and looked into the sack. "Wow! Books, and money and ... oh lots of things. We can look later, lets follow the happenings now," she said, closed the sack and handed it to Veronika. "Here. You keep it safe for me, I suppose I have to go up there again."

"And the team winners." Martine announced as everyone had fallen quiet again. "Third place with 456 points. David's team." They came forward, David looking more angry than thankful, Josh downcast, and like Bjørn he held his eyes glued to the ground. The three young Swedes looked as if they wished to be anywhere but at the Unicorn Farm. Martine and Torben hung red and black bands with small bronze medals around their necks. They took their place on the right side of the platform.
"Second place goes to The Competition with 499 points. Please come up here too." Finnbogi led his team to where Martine stood, and they proudly accepted their silver medals in blue and white bands. They all stood in front of, and slightly to the left of David's team.
"And finally first with a blazing 604 points! The Yellow team!" Martine announced, and under thundering applause Elwin and Sif led the Yellow team to the platform, where they received small gold medals hung in yellow bands. They then placed themselves at the edge of the platform and received the applause with varying degrees of happiness, apprehension and bashfulness. The three teams walked to their places at the tables under renewed applause and shouts.
Torben then spoke: "And now it is a time for celebration, friendship and fun. Bon appetit."
This was the keywords for celebrations to begin, All the food and drinks were delicious as usual, and nobody dared spoil the evening, not least owing to the sheer number of grown up wizards and witches present.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you.
    I will come back later and read the other tale - and am looking forwar to it. A lot.

  2. For the moment, all is well for the good guys. Of course, those who want to cause trouble won't leave it that way for long, will they.


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