mandag den 10. februar 2020

Poetry Monday :: Relatives

  Jenny - The Procrastinating Donkey - has spoken, and the theme for today is: Relatives.
  Also normally participating are: Diane, Mimi, and Merry Mae ... but what has happened to MerryMae? her blog has just disappeared. 

I don't know what happened to my poems mojo, It up and left me at some point. Writing poems is not fun, nor does it come easy to me as it used to. But I do not think NOT writing poems is the answer, so here I labour along, hoping for the fun and lightnes to return eventually.   

Relatives is a fine word for family
And family  ... well they can be:
Father, mother
Sister, brother
Aunt and uncle, granddad, granny,
Cousin, sibling, even nanny.
Daughter, son and in-laws too
You and me and me and you.
All of us and next of kin,
I'm ready for the fam'ly bin
I hope I am not missing any
Cause relatives are fairly many.

Next weeks theme is up to Diane on the Border, she chose: Blue
Which as chance will have it is my favourite colour too.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Merry Mae did say in a recent post she was wondering whether to continue blogging. Sadly it seems she has made the decision to step away. I do hope she returns.
    Growing up I only knew the immediate family. Our family is now a lot bigger than it was - but I cannot get my head around things like second cousins, and cousins once removed.
    I would never have known that you struggle to write poetry. You make it appear effortless - in a language not your own as well.

  2. I didn't realize Merry Mae had disappeared until I tried to link her to my post last night. I knew she was considering whether to continue but it was still a bit of a surprise. Perhaps she'll be back later.

    I am struggling with poetry the last month or so too. You are not alone. But as EC said, you hide the struggle very well. I can't imagine writing in another language, though - that's the part that really, really amazes me. I especially like the line "You and me and me and you" in today's poem. We can't forget we are someone else's relative when we're counting up :)

  3. This is wonderful as usual.
    I SO love a large family! I know that sometimes, one feels a tad overwhelmed, but still, I’d rather have my masses of people about me!

  4. Family can be such a blessing, i really like your poem and hope the fun in the writing returns soon.


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