fredag den 7. februar 2020

Laura Ingalls Wilder 153 år

Man taler normalt ikke om en danes alder, men når damen er Laura, er det uden betydning, for hun er tidløs.
Tillykke med fødselsdagen og tak for bøgerne.
You never ask a lady's age, but a lady like Laura is surely ageless. 
Happy birthday and thanks for the books.

8 kommentarer:

  1. I never warmed to the Little House on the Prairie series but DO warm to authors. A very happy birthday to a prolific writer who gave (and continues to give) pleasure to many.

    1. Oh, I loved the books ever since I read them for the first time as a very small girl. I dreamt of living in a log cabin, churning my own butter, growing corn, baking soda bread, making cheese and so on. I even persisted in wearing only shirts a whole year - even through a blizzard ;) I built a small prairie schooner and reenacted Laura's travels with miniature dolls, plates, sacks of flour and so on. Her books have left a clear mark in my soul.

    2. And as I realized that US of A was now no more frontier country, I set my hopes for Australia where me and my trusty old stove would go once I grew up :) The stove is still in my possesion - in an outhouse.

    3. What author could hope for more than leaving a permanent mark on our hearts and souls.

  2. This may seem unforgiveable but I have never read even a page of the Little House on the Prairie books - and am wondering now if I should give one a try. How amazing that you identified so strongly with the main character, Charlotte.

    Have you read any of the "Anne" books? (Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, etc.) They are set in Prince Edward Island, just across the Strait from my province, and those are the ones that I associate with my childhood and even teen-hood. I think it's time to re-read some of those again.

    So many books, so little time :)

    1. Yes I've read all of Anne of Green Gables books, and I liked them very much. I think Anne and Laura are kindrd spirits ;)

    2. That settles it; I will be looking out for a Little House book to try.

  3. To this day, i sometimes pick up one of her books and read a chapter, it is soothing.


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