fredag den 31. januar 2020


  Det er efterhånden en tradition at Uglemor sye en woowly eller to til nytår. Denne gang kom Skribenten med en skjorte, der var helt slidt op. Den havde en pæn farve, stoffet var interessant, og så sad der nogle mærker hist og her. Uglemor så straks et woowly-par for sig og gik i gang. Nok engang er den oprindelige opskrift fra Moonstitches blevet modificeret. Denne gang er bunden blevet større. Det pynter, synes Uglemor.
  Woowlien til højre kunne måske godt have fortjent lidt mere fyld. Der er noget komisk over parret her. 

  For some years now MotherOwl has made a woowly or two to celebrate the new year. This time around The Writer discarded an old shirt. It was worn out. But the fabric was interesting, the buttons shiny and it had small labels sewed on. MotherOwl saw woowlies, salvaged some not so worn pieces and began sewing.
  Once again she modified Moonstitches's original pattern, this time making the bottom circle larger. Better, MotherOwl thinks.
  Maybe the rightmost woowly could have used some extra stuffing, but they are a funny pair.

-- 🦉 --

Fyldet kommer fra sidste års stumpekrukke.
 The stuffing was taken from last year's ORTs jar.

4 kommentarer:

  1. They have IMMENSE charm. Half a world away I am smiling - and thank you. Muchly.

  2. What a good use for an old garment and your ORTS! They are very cute - I'm smiling along with EC.

  3. Thank you. I am happy to bring smiles.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.