torsdag den 30. januar 2020

The Dragon and the George - Review.

This book was written by Gordon R. Dickson in 1976

  It is a fantasy novel set in a parallel England, where dragons, magic creatures, magicians, bowmen, outlaws and knight errants roam the lands. Dragons call all human beings a George, from Saint George and the Dragon.
  It is a story of good versus evil, honour versus cowardice and avarice. Where virtues and vices are part of the daily pattern of life, and life is harsh, yet more colourful.

  Our protagonist, the George, named  Jim Eckert, and who is doctor in medieval history is together with his fiancee, another George, named Angie Farrell, magicked into this world, and into the body of a dragon, Gorbash. The story tells of Gorbash/Jim's quest to find Angie, and return to his own body and his own world.
  During this journey he makes strange friends and meets even stranger foes. He learns a lot about himself and about the true meaning of courage. The book ends on a happy note, speaking of an armistice if not more between the dragons and Georges of this realm. How it all ends for Jim Eckert, I won't reveal.

  • Read for fun, from my Christmas gift pile.
  •  For the European Reading Challenge this should count as United Kingdom even though it is an alternative England, The wolf Aragh at least keeps insisting that he is indeed an English wolf.

3 kommentarer:

  1. It does sound like fun. When (if) my reading towers diminish I may have to track it down. thank you.

  2. Fascinating premise, i can see dragons thinking of all of us as being alike and dangerous.

  3. What an intriguing thought, that all humans would be thought of by the same name. A new perspective!


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