onsdag den 3. april 2024

Words for Wednesday April 3 & IWSG

This challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrive on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

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The Words for the Wednesdays in April are provided by
Elephant's Child.

For today we had:



I did not have much time for writing today, this everyday prose is what happened:

  Being a wife to my husband is a great comfort. We take time together to talk of books we have read, we repair and paint the doors together, and loads of other things. Recently we dug the beds in the garden, a good thing, as rain and even snow is foreseen for the most of the coming fortnight.
  We need no medals or certificate to show the appreciation of one for the other. There's no elephant in the room, only hubby oft-times teases me with my dislike for olives in any form; which sure is not a major issue, neither the teasing, nor the dislike.

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Today is also the first Wednesday of the month. Time for the monthly Question from the Insecure Writers' Support Group

April  3rd question: How long have you been blogging? (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) What do you like about it and how has it changed?

My answer
: I have been blogging since January 30th 2012 - that is more that 12 years now. I almost always forget to celebrate my blogoversary; even installing a countdown timer on my blog did not help.

I like the slow pace of blogging and the possibility of writing long posts interspersed with photos. I like that the posts stay, that I and everybody else can go back, see how it all began, what happened years ago, and how the kids have grown.

Of course I tried my hand at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. But I do not like the fast pace, that the reels do not stay, so that I have to check everybody every day if I do not want to miss out. Facebook was more 'slow' in the beginning, and IG too - Twitter was always another soup, fast-paced, meant for quick messages and replies. Nothing cut in stone there. 

I feel sorry that blogging seems to have fallen out of fashion, I see too many blogs just stopping in the middle of a story, and if I search, I mostly find the authors alive and kicking at FB or IG.

When I began blogging, great communities existed, with groups like Moms of Many, or homeschooling or gardening circles; and lots of challenges, literary, photographic, writing, drawing, Monday Memes and so on.
  Now it seems that community is old-fashioned, what counts is likes and followers. Most of the challenges are now mainly - or indeed exclusively - happening on SoMe.  It's as if the people hosting and participating in these challenges have given in to the swiftly flowing river of infotainment. We have no longer time for the reading of long posts; heck even writing a comment is too much when you can't just throw a like.

I know this is a bit barking up the wrong tree, as exactly IWSG is still keeping the flags flying, but I feel fairly frustrated these days.

16 kommentarer:

  1. I'm not married so I don't get the benefit of having a partner but I can understand it's nice to have someone to support you.

    Blogging has been not quite as popular as it used to be. In fact, so many people kept mentioning how blogging is dead but it's not. People who only do social media will probably never understand the beauty of blogging.

    As for memes and challenges and community, yes, there is a slow down in these things but as long as people still blogs, those things will always existed even in small numbers.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. It is so nice always being two.

      And yes, normally the ones declaring this or that for dead is the people not using the "dead" thing ;)

      Thanks for commenting.

  2. I knew the blog hop was shrinking. It once was over three-hundred and now look at it. I still love it though and I'll keep hopping as long as there are places to hop to. hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Thanks for visiting. Yes, let's try to keep this alive!

  3. Like your little 'slice of life' for Words for Wednesday. I wrote one too this Wednesday - in comments on Elephant's Child's website.
    I agree with you that blogging is changing. It is slow, not as immediate as all the social media streams. That's what I like about it. That's why I stay with blogging. I prefer a community it creates to the fast-moving exchanges on Tweeter. I think blogging attracts people who interested in community, my kind of people.

    1. Yes I read your shorty, and liked it. I love that ou write there, as I miss your stories!
      Blogging equals community ... hmm, ye true.

  4. Your use of the words is delightful.

    Blogging is my only creative outlet. Like you, I enjoy crafting a post and having it stay put for later.

    1. Thank you. Let's keep on blogging.

      Freed from Spam-prison.

  5. Hi, MO! I've been enjoying Sue's Words for Wednesday" posts for a while. I don't participate, because I don't have the time. Like you, I enjoy the slower, deeper experience of blogging. I have nieces and nephews on Instagram, and I can't figure out the reel things ~ lol! I will continue to stay with blogging, because I enjoy the friends I've made through blogging. I enjoyed your WFW story. I've been a wife for almost 40 years now. Your piece captures the comfort and love of a long-lasting relationship. All the best to you!

    1. You should try participating. I read the words when they go live, mostly somewhen Tuesday my time, then they stay in my brain, and surprisingly often when I sit myself down at the keyboard, a story just forms. Some participants do not post until Friday their time. It is a healthy exercise for our creative muscles :D
      I totally agree with your thoughts on blogging. Thanks for visiting.

  6. How I love your story - and I like blogging for the same reasons you do. Blogging is my only form of social media.

    1. I follow some teaching groups on FB, that is a great way of using it. Apart from that, blogging is my poison of choice.

  7. I love your story, it's serendipitous when a couple just "clicks" like that. I like blogging because it keeps me in touch with people I wouldn't otherwise meet. I began in 2010 and used to blog daily, but not now.

    1. Thanks. Blogging is good, I remember reading your long stories.

  8. "Infotainment!" What a perfect word for the world we live in.

  9. Blogging was supposedly out of style when I started my first blog in 2015 -- and I'm still blogging strong :-) I think it's a matter of personal preference. And, of course, there are always people going for the "easy" follow or like.

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Character Choices


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