mandag den 29. april 2024

Poetry Monday :: Quiet

Poetry Monday is a challenge, normally hosted by Diane at On the Border. But from Monday, January 8, 2024, Messymimi and I have conspired to keep the chair warm for her, as she's taking a break due to health issues. We will each set the topics for one month, I began with January, Mimi supplied for February, and so on until Diane returns.

Quiet? I'm not quiet, my house is seldom quiet, three Owlets, one Writer and one MotherOwl make a lot of ... not noise exactly -- but sounds.  I do not miss quiet, as all those sounds are signs of life being lived.

And the only word to somewhat rhyme with Quiet is diet -- not a fave here either. At least when talking of slimming diets, which is normally what is meant. Talking of the FODMAP diet, I'm happy ... this is a diet in the medical sense of the word. I'm not losing weight, I'm not saving the climate, only my own stomach from being grumpy and making my life intolerable.

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Now, can I make that into a poem -- well let me try:

Following the FODMAP diet
my stomach is happy and quiet
Eat some cabbage or a bean
wake the monster, it is mean.
No to apples, nuts and lentils
else I'm grumpy and not gentle
If you want me to be quiet
Let me keep the FODMAP diet.

 - - - - -

Next Monday, it is my turn again:
And for the weeks to come:
May 13: Event
May 20: Pizza
May 27: Politics

6 kommentarer:

  1. I like quiet. I need quiet.
    And hooray for a diet that keeps your tummy (and you) happy.

    1. I like and need it too, and I get my dose of quiet biking through the woods on my way to town - I often stop in the middle, and just am. I 'invented 'forest-bathing' on my own decades ago.
      And yes, hooray for the FODMAP diet indeed. I had my life back, when I found it.

  2. What exactly does one eat on a FODMAP diet? thankfully my own stomach is happy with things like beans and cabbage etc.

    1. Very simplified explanation of "What can I eat on a FODMAP diet" - it is an Australian invention. Thanks to Sue Shepherd from Monash university! First of all FODMAP is an acronym for Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-, And Polysaccharids (different sugars).
      Thus all proteins and fats are fine. the 'dangerous' stuff are sugars, found mostly in milk, onions, garlic, mushrooms, prunes and co. cabbages and pulses. Most people can slowly re-introduce a lot of foodstuff after 8 weeks on a strict diet - I am one of the unlucky few still having symptoms from eating almost all FODMAPS.
      I can eat (not an all encompassing list): All meat, fish, shellfish and eggs. Then lactose free milk (happily the stores are expanding), butter, oranges and family, pineapples, zucchini, salad, red bell peppers, bananas, spring onions, spelt bread, Oat flakes, dried fruits in small amounts. oyster mushrooms, herbs and spices, normal white sugar, almost all berries. Enough to let me eat varied and healthy homemade meals every day. Eating out is a problem - as is visiting.

  3. Each of us is on the best diet for us, and that's a good thing. It proves all humans are the same, but yet different.

    1. Same, but different is one of my slogans :D


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