onsdag den 3. april 2024

Ⓐ - Ⓩ ~ Cassandra

This is a series of studies for my long-time-in-the-writings book about the magic in the Nordic countries.
We are in the 70es on Unicorn Island, an island off the coast of southern Zealand. A handful of teachers have gathered the broken threads of magic once again, trying to revive the magic in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, the Faroes and partially Greenland.
Our main protagonist is Susan (me) from Elsinore and her three co-apprentices and friends Heidi, Tage and Lis living at Unicorn Island.
I grasped the chance to write a little bit about some of the lesser known apprentices in this A-Z challenge.

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Searching through all my notes and papers, there's no apprentices begining with the letter C, also no teachers, no Nisser, nobody except for Cassandra, the mother of Heidi, Lis and Tage - and I find this a bit far-fetched. But it is as it is. I spoke a bit about her in my trial run where I told of Heidi, Lis & Tage. I'll repeat and expand on this.

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C ~ Cassandra Bach

The parents of Heidi, Lis & Tage are Sandra and Kai.
  Sandra, whose full name is Cassandra Patricia Bach, born Dunne, is a part time helper in the supermarket at Unicorn Island and also sometimes in the fair that visits the island during the summer holidays.
  Like her namesake, Cassandra, she suffers from bouts of premonition, but she is generally more listened to by her family and friends of magicl stock, she is of course best at Transformations and divination.
  Sandra is 33 when we first meet her, she has curly, prematurely grey hair, grey eyes and a stately bearing. She is confident in her magic, but fears that if it should be known that witches and wizards are real, once again a terrible backlash would happen and people would be burned at the stake - or more possibly be put into a mental ward and dosed.
 Sandra is a relaxed and smiling mother - when magic is not involved - patient with her magician husbond and their numerous more or less excentric relatives.
  Her cooking skills are extraordinarily good, and she worked in a restaurant as a chef in training when she met Kai. When they found out that Sandra was expecting twins - at the same time discovering their mutual secret; that they were both of ancient, magical descent - they moved to a far away island to be able to homeschool their children in the arcane arts.
  She wields a wand of yew, emitting sparks that are smoky grey and mysterious like the oracle in Delphi.

We first meet Sandra on the second morning of Susan's stay at The Unicorn Farm, where She opens the door to The Magician's House to let Susan in.

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Tomorrow D for David.

Extra service as the link to the Master List on the main A-Z page is broken.
Link to the A - Z Master List

8 kommentarer:

  1. Cassandra sounds like a good mother. Eccentric relatives are definitely hard to deal with but she would probably be able to fend them off.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Eccentric realtives are fun to describe, but not fun to deal with. Sandra is capable.

  2. I'm enjoying getting fuller pictures of your characters.

  3. Hmm... I wonder if my husband and I are both of ancient magical lineage, and our twins need some teaching in the arcane!

    1. I would like to send you one of Martine's brain teasers - in Danish aptly named witches' keys - to find out.


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