søndag den 28. april 2024

Sunday Selections :: Pretty Flowers and more

This has been a busy week. Sometimes so busy that I forgot to get pictures.

Last Sunday we went here. We listened to music, saw people fighting with swords and  staves, looked at pretty things, and ate cakes with plums and yuzu and lunch with lots of rice. We were at the Sakura festival in Copenhagen.

Last event of the day - where I remembered I had a camera - was the Wadaiko, drum show

On our way home we saw these almost sculptural flowers,

and my long-expected dandelion finally bloomed, not as pretty as expected.

To make up for this, the sloe bushes did their very best.

-- 🌸 --

Some days later I biked through the woods on my way to town
and stopped here
by this tree
yellow anemones grew here,
and white ones, but they were not what I was after.
These were. Sweet woodruff for my soaping. The only plant I ever succeeded in using for a naturally scented soap. I picked a large handful. It was made into a herbal tea when I arrived home. A portion was frozen for later use, and one half waited patiently for next day.

Next day I made sweet woodruff soap - and have no pictures to show of this either.

8 kommentarer:

  1. I love how everything is growing and blooming where you are.

  2. Very, very pretty indeed.
    What is the colour for May? I ask not because I am greedy (I am) but because I am preparing a Words for Wednesday post and want to include the colour in the prompts. And my Sunday Selections certainly included water blue.

    1. Thanks for the reminder. I'll post it soom. Thanks for using my colour!

  3. A Japanese Festival in Copenhagen! That would have been fun. I have never tried to make soap, though I have had mint tea from home grown mint in the past.

    1. It's a yearly thing - ever since the Japanese ambassador gifted the city with a lot of cherry trees. Soap making is not that hard. If you can make a cake from scratch following a recipe, you can make soap - it is a bit more dangerous though as NaOH is used. Home grown mint tea ... memories, I had this as a child from a family near by, They came from Morocco, and grew mint in their small lot. I'll have to try and make tea from mine. Thanks.

  4. I really like your photos.
    You present the forest beautifully.
    Loved the blooming tree!!
    Thanks for the post, have a nice day!

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting. I love my forest, and go biking there often, as it is the way for me to go shopping if I won't take a bus. The forst is always new, yet the same.


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