mandag den 1. april 2024

Poetry Monday :: Shelf

Poetry Monday is a challenge, normally hosted by Diane at On the Border. But from Monday, January 8, 2024, Messymimi and I have conspired to keep the chair warm for her, as she's taking a break due to health issues. We will each set the topics for one month, I began with January, Mimi supplied for February, and so on until Diane returns.

Today is

The absolute only thing Shelf made me think of was Elf on a Shelf. Not really a thing I'm keen on, and singularly inappropriate for Easter Monday. So forgive me for fooling around and making a nonsense poem.

An elf on a shelf
Is not good for Easter
This says itself.

An egg in a shell
Is just right for Easter
Clear as a bell

But gifts from elfs
And baskets of eggs
Are for all that helps -
With hands and with legs -
To weed in my bed
And knead all the bread
For Easter means guests
And wonderful feasts!

Next Monday: Order

Because I saw at Mimi's blog that today is Anne McCaffrey's birthday I bring you two versions of the cover art of my favourite book in Chronicles of Pern - Dragonsong. Music, drama and dragons, can you improve on that? I think not.

Cover art from 1977

Cover art from the edition I read first - also the Danish edition looks the same.

8 kommentarer:

  1. I love the Chronicles of Pern - and still reread them at intervals.

    1. So do I. some of the later irritates me, what with their glaring inconsistencies, but the first - and among those Harper's Hall - are pure joyous escapism :D

  2. I enjoyed your poem and hope you did have a nice Easter celebration.

    You used the word whimsy on my blog, and that's the exact thing I was going for.

    I've seen those books and keep meaning to read them someday.

    1. Thank you, we had a joyous Easter.
      Whimsy is such a good word. I'm happy you found it fitting.
      Please do read the Pern books. They are a deligth, and the Harper's Hall trilogy is among the best, even if it's meant for kids, I still read it now and then.

  3. The books sound wonderful, I must see if I can find copies that I can give to the girls when they get older. After I read them of course.
    I like your poem.

    1. It should be possible to find those books second hand. Even here they are sometimes to be found at flea markets. If you never read them, you're in for a treat!

  4. My library has the first couple in the Harper Hall series as well as what I think is the first couple of books - Dragonflight/quest. Would it be better to read the first two before going on to the HH ones

    1. Yes. Dragonflight/quest is the main storyline - HH will be much easier to understand having read those.


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