søndag den 7. april 2024

Sunday Selections :: Weather edition

Two photos, two seasons - To billeder, to årstider.

Wednesday 3rd we woke up to this sight. GardenOwl was NOT happy.
To speak the truth, neither was I. I had planned on getting the garden ready for seeds and for the small plants standing ready in my windowsill-nursery.
Onsdag den 3. så der sådan her ud, da vi vågnede. Haveugen var IKKE glad.
Og skal jeg være ærlig, var jeg heller ikke glad. Onsdag havde jeg regnet med at skulle gøre bedene klar til såning og udplantning af de mange småplanter, der kæmper om pladsen i min vindueskarm.

Thursday and Friday were busy days elsewhere. Saturday the 6th dawned. The sun shone, it was wonderful outside. I dug, raked, fed the happy hens not less than 60 litres of weeds -- they did not even think it too much -- and put seeds into the ground.
I only dug one bed, the freshly dug one. The three cowered with straw were dug ealrier with great help from the Writer, and the one nearest to my dome is still filled with weeds -- you can hardly see it is a bed.
     Torsdag og fredag havde vi travlt andre steder end i Ugleboets have. Så blev det lørdag den 6. Solen brød gennem skyerne mens vi spiste morgenmad, og det blev lunt. Jeg gravede, rev og samlede ikke mindre end 60 liter ukrudt til hønsene. De syntes ikke det var den mindste smule for meget. Så puttede jeg de første frø i jorden og rev fint efter mig.
     NB. jeg ordnede kun ét bed, det med frisk jord, dem med halm ordnede jeg godt hjulpet af Skribenten i forrige uge, og bedet nærmest domen er stadig kun ukrudt - man kan da dårligt se, at der er et bed.

GardenOwl was smiling, and so was I.
Haveuglen var glad, og det var jeg også.

I'm sure you can find loads of Water blue in GardenOwl if you look close.
Jeg er sikker på at der er masser af Water blue i Haveuglen og omegn, hvis man leder.

12 kommentarer:

  1. Well done on all your garden work. Exciting times ahead. And of course the chooks appreciated the weeds.

  2. Yay for gardens! My brother has got me started with potatoes this year, with a rather elaborate setup, which I hopefully will not break. We got the potatoes actually in the ground yesterday so we shall see.

    1. Potatoes and elaborate seems not to click inside my head. One of the simplest crops in my garden, but one I'm ditching this yera in favour of dyeplants. I wish you good luck.

  3. It sounds like a bit of a garden setback. It cannot be fun to wake up to snow right after you've planted.

    1. Luckily you misread, snow on Wednesday, sowing on Saturday. But it would not have been that bad, because it was only a light snowfall, no frost would have reached the seeds.

      Freed from spam-prison, once again!

  4. The weeds will give your chicken lovely strong coloured golden egg yolks. I dream of having that much garden space, but after no gardening for over twelve years now, I don't think I would cope.

    1. I coan't cope either ;) But I love doing it. We have a "wild gardening" movement in Denmark, and I happily joined.

  5. My dad used to plant lettuce seeds in late snows, and then by the time the snow melted, the little shoots were coming up for early lettuce. For some reason, I think of that whenever I see snow in a garden this time of year.

    1. Oh, great idea. I'll hurry and get some lettuce (and maybe radishes) sowed.

  6. Svar
    1. It is one of the very few times he has seen snow. It was not much, and not for long, luckily.


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