fredag den 1. marts 2024

Tirsdagsstips på en fredag ~ Såning

Når jeg sår frø, tager jeg et billede, og så tilføjer jeg tekster der, hvor jeg ikke lige havde en frøpose.
Dagens såning ser sådan her ud - det er også ved at være sidste udkald for at så artiskokker, chili og peberfrugter.

When I sow my seeds indoor, I snap a photo, and then add texts where I have no nice seed bags to place on the tray.

Today's sowing looks like this.
The Photoshopped texts say: Lemon chilli ~ Artichoke no. 2 ~ Sweet red pepper.
And the home made seed "bags": Jalapeño ~ Valentines pepper 2015 - I wonder if they will germinate as they are quite old.

4 kommentarer:

  1. You might get lucky. I had very old tomato seeds germinate, but they never grew very much, too many creepy crawly things in the garden would eat them. I gave up.

    1. Tomatoes are great at germinating - thanks for the reminder - and as pepper is a "cousin" of tomatoes, the seeds might indeed germinate. Creepy crawlies are after my plants as well, that is why I start them all indoors.

  2. I pray you have a bountiful harvest this year.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.