søndag den 24. marts 2024

Sunday Selection :: Artichoke

Today I want to boast of my Artichokes - They are growing! I planted the seeds March 1st, look at them now!

I dag vil jeg bare prale med mine artiskokker - jeg såede frøene den 1. marts, se dem lige!

Og jeg er sikker på at de er olivengrønne - And surely they are Olive green.

6 kommentarer:

  1. They're beautiful! May you have a bumper crop.

    1. Thank you. The Pirate agrees, as l he loves artichokes. And I hope for a thriving garden this year.

  2. They are growing well. How many artichokes do you get per plant?

    1. I do not know, I never had any sucess before. But atleast one I hope.


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