torsdag den 14. marts 2024

A to Z ~ to do or not?

Selvom tilmeldingen til årets A-Z blogger-udfordring åbnede i søndags, har jeg stadig ikke besluttet mig for om jeg vil deltage eller ej.
     Årets logo tiltaler mig - så længe vi taler om ideen bag - for den praktiske udførelse med lysepink på mørk baggrund får det til at flimre for mine øjne - og jeg kan virkelig ikke lide pink.

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This Sunday the theme reveal of the A to Z challenge opened.
I am still not decided.

And the logo did not help either. I do like the logo -- the ideas and concept behind it at least, and I'm thankful that Ronel took up the challenge of making one for us. But I do not like pink, and I do have a hard time reading light letters on a dark background. Ergo this logo is not smack-dab in the middle of my taste.

    Jeg ventede et par dage i håbet om at Lissa som de forgangne år ville have tegnet et alternativt logo.
    Men på den anden side, er et ikke helt heldigt logo undskyldning nok til ikke at deltage? Eller skal der mere til? Det tager lang tid, jeg har aldrig haft held til at virkelig gennemføre det, der er ikke nogen ord med en hel del af bogstaverne sidst i alfabetet ... der er nok af gode grunde til at sige nej.
     Men der er også gode grunde til at sige ja. En af de bedre er at jeg allerede har en idé til et tema: Folk fra Enhjørningegården. Det er alle tiders chance til at præsentere de mere ukendte lærlinge fra min evighedsroman.

Hvad nu hvis jeg legede lidt med logoet ...

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 I procrastinated, hoping that Lissa was going to post an alternative, as she has done before.

But is a slightly displeasing logo enough to make me not join? But there's also the fact that it is quite time consuming, and that I never ever finished A-Z to my satisfaction, and that the letters at the end of the alphabet are mostly unused in Danish ... lots of reasons for not participating. But there's also reasons for participating, one of the best is that I already have an idea for a theme - persons of Unicorn Farm - which would help me flesh out some of the lesser known persons from my everlasting tale.

Maybe just playing a bit around with the logo would help:
Grønt er altid godt  - jeg har bare inverteret farverne.
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Green is always a good colour; I just inverted the colours.

7 kommentarer:

  1. I haven't decided either. Even if you prepare in advance, it's still a lot of work. It really is a good challenge but if only it was shorter with less posts or something. I don't know. At this point, even if I do decide to do it, I wouldn't bother with the rules or even sign up.

    I'm curious, why not try use the English alphabet instead of Danish? I guess since you post in two languages it makes sense to use the Danish alphabet.

    The a-z badge is... I'm just not a fan. I don't know why they choose to use black. Black is always gloomy to me.

    And I did make a badge although there is pink in one of them. I just posted two versions. Feel free to use them if you like.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you for posting - you must have posted in the space between me writing and pre-sceduling this post and its going live! I should have been more patient. Your logo is just so much better. I hope you keep on creating alternative logos every year!
      I would make sense to just use the English alphabet, maybe, but in Danish (and the other Nordic languages) Q, Z, X and W are not used very much and almost not for names. I'll have to find a way out of this quandary somehow.

  2. I'd love to read anything you write about your characters, if you choose to do it. I will, simply because I post daily and adding a letter to the mix is a fun way to do something different.

    1. That's easy ;) Almost cheating, but I'll still look forward to seeing how you do it :D

  3. The green logo looks better but nothing will make me join the A-Z challenge. There's too much thinking involved for my tired little brain.


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