søndag den 17. marts 2024

Sunday selections :: Plant Maltreatment

Søndagsbillede :: Plantemishandling

Even if the colour of the month, Olive green, is found in these cacti, it is a clear cut case of plant maltreatment.

Selv om nogle af de her kaktus er olivengrønne, og det er marts måneds farve, står vi alligevel over for et klart tilfælde af plantemishandling.

Notice I changed the name from Olive yellow to Olive green.
Jeg fik ændret navnet fra olivengul til olivengrøn

4 kommentarer:

  1. Interesting plants and I'll note the color name change for Wednesday.

    1. Poor, dyed plants. Sigh.

      Freed from span-prison!

  2. Maltreatment? Why? Is some of that colour not natural? I don't know much about cacti.

    1. You nailed it! None of those colours are natural. Norm is dull grey body with dusty straw yellow thorns.


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