fredag den 15. marts 2024


Today I once again wrote to Blogger via the in-game Help and Feedback system.

Here's what I wrote (slightly edited for typos and clarity):

Well, yesterday I had an actual spam-comment advertising online shopping and what not - what happened? It was just published, not put into spam prison.

Today River commented, as she has been doing for years - what happened? Her comment was once again put in spam prison.

"Dear" Blogger - you need to update your AI or better yet ditch it!
It's easier for me to delete the one real spam a month, than letting River, Mimi and all my other regular commenters out of spam jail several times a week!

This is not spam according to Blogger's AI:
NN 14. mar. 2024, kl. 12.23

USA xxx
online shopping in usa
USA xxx
online shopping

While this is:
River 15. marts 2024 kl. 06.45

The green logo looks better but nothing will make me join the A-Z challenge. There's too much thinking involved for my tired little brain.

And no, I won't stop telling Blogger off every time they make me free a comment of yours from spam prison. I hope - just like that biblical widow who keeps on knocking and asking for justice - to pester them long enough to get tired of me and do something about it.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I like your strategy and I hope they do something. Sometimes I remind myself Blogger is a free service but any service free or not, should be done properly.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Do properly, yes - or just not do. This idiocy is maddening.

  2. You're right, they should do it correctly, and the same thing happens to me. I will try to start reporting it when it happens, although I may not get to it every single time.

    1. Reporting may help, I doubt it. But the only certain is that if we do not complain, nothing is sure to happen.

      This comment of Mimi's was ironically freed from spam prison ;)

  3. My comments go to spam on several other blogs as well. I used to ask the blogger to rescue the comment but I've given up now.

    1. There's definitely something fishy about you, River - also your comments are the only ones I do not get e-mail notifications about :D It is maybe something very old in your settings - but still no reason whatsoever to make Blogger put your comments in spam jail ever so often.
      I rescue the comments myself, but notice Blogger each and every time ... I am decided to keep on like the importune widow.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.