søndag den 10. marts 2024

Søndagsbillede :: Sunday Selection

The colour of March, Olive green, is found in these catkins:
Mats måneds farve, olivengrøn, kan findes i disse rakler.

Notice I changed the name from Olive yellow to Olive green.
Jeg fik ændret navnet fra olivengul til olivengrøn

6 kommentarer:

  1. Those are perfect. I hope your spring is starting to bloom out and you are enjoying it thoroughly.

    1. Thank you! Spring, early spring at least -- with frosty nights and chill, but sunny days -- has arrived. I hope to enjoy the coming days.

  2. It is the same colour as green olives which I see plenty of here in Adelaide as many people grow their own and there are several old olive plantations in the city as well.

    1. Interesting, I did not know olives grew in Australia. I suppose the trees are imported. Growing my own olives -- despite my NOT liking olives -- this would be tempting, but it's too cold here.

      Freed from spam-prison.

  3. Not imported, Australia has mostly a Mediterranean climate and the trees grow very well here. Every single Italian or Greek person/family I know has at least one olive tree and one lemon tree in their yard.

    1. Lemon trees are an old dream of mine, now I try a yuzu - do they grow in Australia as well? .
      I had to look up olive trees - seems the were imported, but long ago, and feel totally at home and thrive in the Australian climate :) I think I would too.


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