lørdag den 16. marts 2024

A-Z :: Apprentices at the Unicorn Farm ~ a Preview

As told, I intend to write of one or more apprentices from the Unicorn Farm - and maybe teachers, parents and nisser -  each day of April.

I am not sure of the format. I only know it will have to work in a short format as well.

I am not going to tell of Susan, Heidi, Lis or Tage, as they are the main persons, and we hear quite a lot about them in the story proper. But I would like to test the format for the posts. Heidi, Lis and Tage can serve as guinea pigs.

How do you like this?

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Heidi, Lis & Tage Bach ~ Denmark
Heidi is the younger sister, 11 when the story begins, of Tage and Lis, who are twins and both 14. They are all magicians of the transformations and divinations variety, and can trace their ancestors "all the way back to Merlin and the ancient Greeks," as Tage expresses it. The three siblings were raised knowing of and learning of their magic, but told not to use magic, as mostly their mother feared a progrome like in the days of old.
  Their parents are called Sandra and Kai. Sandra is a part time helper in the supermarket at Unicorn Island and also sometimes in the fair that visits the island during the summer holidays. Like her namesake, Cassandra, she suffers from bouts of premonition, but she is generally more trusted. She wields a wand of yew, emitting sparks that are smoky grey and mysterious like the oracle in Delphi.
  Kai is a stage magician, as he says: "Isn't it the easiest way to hide my magic? I mean, nobody believes that stage magicians really use magic, they know it's all cheating and sleight of hand. But I'm the real thing." His wand looks like a stage magician's prop, made from ebony, his sparks are all the colours of the rainbow.

Heidi is sweet, sharing and a bit of a tease. She is just the best at transformations, and can make a pincushion into a hedgehog with the wave of a wand. She normally wears her sandy hair in two pigtails tied up with blue balls hair ties that sometimes smack her fingers. She wields an alder wand emitting bright purple sparks.

Lis is blond like Heidi, she's dilligent, a bit of a busybody and allround good at transformations, divinations and portals. She's a genius when it comes to reading, wordgames, and writing. She wields a wand of beech emitting silvery-purple sparks.

Tage has his father's dark hair and mystic looks. He is also hard-working, but only when he feels like it, luckily this is most of the time. He is good at portals and divinations, and like his sister he wields a beech wand, but his sparks are a blackish purple.

We first meet those three going home from the first day on the Unicorn Farm. Heidi, Lis and Tage seems unsure of how to get home, and much to her own surprise, Susan tells that she knows the way and grasps Heidi's hands. After this the four are friends. 

6 kommentarer:

  1. I like your idea but perhaps use bullet points? I think of these types of info as facts so bullet points makes more sense so you can format it like this:


    Heidi, Lis & Tage Bach
    Relation to each other: Siblings
    Birthplace (or what this is meant): Denmark
    Their first appearance: We first meet those three going home from the first day on the Unicorn Farm. Heidi, Lis and Tage seems unsure of how to get home, and much to her own surprise, Susan tells that she knows the way and grasps Heidi's hands. After this the four are friends.

    Heidi, age 11 - sweet, sharing and a bit of a tease. She is just the best at transformations, and can make a pincushion into a hedgehog with the wave of a wand. She normally wears her sandy hair in two pigtails tied up with blue balls hair ties that sometimes smack her fingers. She wields an alder wand emitting bright purple sparks.

    Lis, 14 - twin to Tage, blond like Heidi, she's dilligent, a bit of a busybody and allround good at transformations, divinations and portals. She's a genius when it comes to reading, wordgames, and writing. She wields a wand of beech emitting silvery-purple sparks.

    Tage, 14, twin to Lis - has his father's dark hair and mystic looks. He is also hard-working, but only when he feels like it, luckily this is most of the time. He is good at portals and divinations, and like his sister he wields a beech wand, but his sparks are a blackish purple.

    Facts about Heidi, Lis & Tage Bach:
    • The three siblings were raised knowing of and learning of their magic, but told not to use magic, as mostly their mother feared a progrome (I have no clue what this word means - is this a misspelling?) like in the days of old.
    • Their parents are Sandra and Kai. Sandra is a part time helper in the supermarket at Unicorn Island and also sometimes in the fair that visits the island during the summer holidays. Like her namesake, Cassandra, she suffers from bouts of premonition, but she is generally more trusted. She wields a wand of yew, emitting sparks that are smoky grey and mysterious like the oracle in Delphi.
    Kai is a stage magician, as he says: "Isn't it the easiest way to hide my magic? I mean, nobody believes that stage magicians really use magic, they know it's all cheating and sleight of hand. But I'm the real thing." His wand looks like a stage magician's prop, made from ebony, his sparks are all the colours of the rainbow.

    Important thing to know about the Bach siblings: They are all magicians of the transformations and divinations variety, and can trace their ancestors "all the way back to Merlin and the ancient Greeks," as Tage expresses it.


    As you have bold 'transformations and divinations' - this must be quite important so putting it at the end makes sense. Bold the text for their names; Relation to each other; Birthplace; Their first appearance; Characteristics; Facts about Heidi, Lis & Tage Bach; Important thing to know about the Bach siblings.

    I'm a bit of an organized freak when it comes to these things so don't mind me. Do things your way.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Yes I thought of some thing like this, as I'd like to give essentially the same informations about every apprentice.
      Thanks a lot for the input.
      "Transformations and divinationsT are not only bold, but also in purple - as it is one of the five schools of magic (the other four being Nature (green), Healing and flying (yellow), Potions (blue), and Portals (red))

  2. I'm going to enjoy it, no matter which format you use.

    1. Thank you - this kind of comments makes me want to carry on writing.

  3. It sounds an interesting series, I look forward to reading.


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