onsdag den 1. november 2023

November 1 :: Words for Wednesday & IWSG

This challenge started a long time ago, and now it has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

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The prompts for today as for every Wednesday in November are provided by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and made public at EC's blog.

We had these Words:

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I do not know what happened. This reads like something out of Larry Niven's Known Space.

Saturn was orange on the horizon when we neared the festival. The gentle wind brought enticing, spicy smells to us. We were flustered with excitement over our first visit to the festival.

Imagine our horror at realizing that the neon signs in giant letters and the enticing smells were a hidey hole for something we now have dedicated the rest of our short lives to fight. It was a perfect cover up for a criminal organization known as the Organleggers, drugging people, and removing vital organs for sale to rich people wanting eternal life. Soon after we entered our kidneys were flying to another country. Without us.

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Today is also the first Wednesday of the month. Time for the monthly Question from the Insecure Writers' Support Group

November 1 question: November is National Novel Writing Month. Have you ever participated? If not, why not?

My answer: I have tried twice. Never enrolled and all that jazz. The first time around it was a personal sort of challenge by Sue Elvis November: 30 days - 30 blogposts. I tried and failed, as documented here.

In November 2019, I wrote a lot of chapters of my mock autobiography starting here, and ending with a sum up here.

After this I swore never to participate again. It was not fun, as I prefer to write in lumps and not every day for a month. Doing different things is meat and drink to my sanity, and I am a staunch adherer of the Spiral approach principle.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Your W4W was well written but horrid. And I believe quite possible in some places - which makes it even more horrid.
    NaNo would not be for me either, but it seems to work for some.

    1. I so hope it's not realistic, but fear it might be.
      NaNoWriMo was a one shot for me.

  2. Your story was just right for a scary Halloween tale.

    NaNo wouldn't be my cup of tea, either.

    1. Too scary maybe, because it's too close to the truth.
      NaNo is a NoNo for me ;)

  3. Your story is a little scary. Losing your kidneys without knowing or permitting?
    I don't do NaNo either.

    1. More than a little, I think. I hope they have their revenge as living with one kidney is possible.

  4. I never participated in NaNo and I'm not about to start. Writing under such an enormous pressure is not for me.

    Olga Godim from https://olgagodim.wordpress.com/

    1. I agree. Even the first challenge, I set myself: Write a blog post every day during November was too much of a pressure, so why I tried again later is a mystery.

  5. NaNo isn't for everyone. I've done it twice and it's a challenge for this slow writer.

    1. You have done twice! And live to tell. I have to look through your blog to read about it.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.