tirsdag den 21. november 2023

Poetry Monday on a Tuesday ~ The Bus

Today I'm playing catch up, nothing hurts overmuch, no pressing jobs, the dust bunnies can wait.

First a haiku The Bus. Sparked by the fact that the new schedules, coming in two weeks, improve the transit times ... on workdays between 7 am and 6 pm where the conditions are already tolerable (4-5 minutes and 3 buses an hour), but changes nothing in the daytime during the weekend, where we have one bus an hour, and TWO minutes to run from the train under the tracks and to the other end of the station - That is if the tunnel is not filled up with water, then we're in for an even longer detour. Much more about this -- in Danish only -- Friday for Friday Frustrations.

The Bus
A big yellow thing
taking me home in comfort -
if I can catch it!

- - - - - -

Next Monday: A Pet's Life

12 kommentarer:

  1. I love your haiku - and mourn its truth.

  2. The dust bunnies can always wait.

    1. They can and they will have to! So often when I got somewhat better, I started cleaning, then when I got ill again, the house was somewhat clean, but I had made none of the things that made me happy. Now I prioritize happy things over too much cleaning.

  3. "if I can catch it" I used to run for the bus if I turned a corner and there it was right at the stop already, but now I just walk and wait for the next one.

    1. I do on workdays, but Saturday and Sunday with an hour's wait, I still run.

  4. Someone who should be aware of these things has clearly dropped the ball - how can people be expected to get from one end of the station to the other in that short time - especially the young, the old, and the disabled or even the less-than-abled (which is a category I place myself in now)? Ah, well, it gave you the inspiration for a poem, so there's that consolation :) I like the image of a big yellow comfortable bus!

    1. I don't know either, but we live in th "outskirts" of the bus-district which covers Copenhagen and a big part of Zealand, and all the planning takes part in Copenhagen -- and of course the planners all live there and have cars. It has been like this for years, getting a little better then a bit worse ...
      Even the very-abled, can not always make it. My young adult, healthy sons do not always.
      Our new, electrical buses are comfortable, made in China and called Golden Dragon :)

    2. So the buses are also quiet and not smelling of diesel - sounds pleasant! Planners should have to use a typical service (not their own route) for an extended time before putting new ones in place!

    3. Hehe, yes the buses are pleasant. And I love your idea. Let ms. and mr. Planner rent an apartment here - and no car - just for two weeks!


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