mandag den 6. november 2023

Poetry Monday :: Watermelon ~ Nothing so Far, and Why

Every time I hear the word Watermelon, today's clue, I think of a children's play I saw with my school as a small one.

I imagined finding the lyrics for one of the songs, called The Last Watermelon in Town, would be fairly easy. And then I would translate / re-poemize it for today's post.

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I just forgot the harsh Danish copyright laws concerning lyrics and scores.
An English or German tune from 1969 would be no problem to find. Not so a Danish one.
It is impossible to find more than 3 lines from the song online, and the book is only accessible from a few public libraries in Denmark. Of course none of them remotely close to where I live. I could have it sent to the library close to me, and get it there, but this is not done in under 8 days - not remotely Monday any more.

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Maybe later today more will follow. I'm squeezing my brain.

The lines I found so far in Danish:

Her kommer jeg med byens sidste vandmelon, og hvis dragen blir liggende får vi ikke mere mad eller mælk eller smør eller æg eller æbler eller flæsk. Så er det slut med ... og vandmelonerne!

5 kommentarer:

  1. It's a shame about the Danish copyright laws but they are there for a reason.

    1. Yes it's a shame. I do understand and support artists being paid for their work, but the Danish legislation is too tough - and the fines for not complying are over the top. Somehow I think that over 50 years old song-texts should not be totally locked down.

  2. There's a dragon in the story! It sounds like a good one.

    1. Yes there's a dragon in the story, a dragon with a sore throat from breathing fire. It is a good story espcially when you're young enough to not notice the moralistic lines ;)


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