fredag den 10. november 2023

Fredagsfrustration ~ Coops mange ansigter

Coop prøver at være alt for alle. Jeg er bange for at de ender med ikke at være nok for nogen.

Friday Frustration
Once again that Supermarket chain. Trying to be all things for everybody. But as the old tune goes ... 🎵 you can't please everyone 🎶 ...

In January - when the news of Irma's closing reached me, I wrote about Irma on this blog:
Coop is closing down one of their chains. the only really good, mostly organic and not expensive supermarket in Denmark. It is being closed by short-sighted, visionless, un-understanding, power and money-seeking people. It's also one of the oldest and the brand is widely known - even as far away as Japan.

Discountmatch - well, det klarer Netto og Rema1000 bedre. Og bemærk lige, at de kæmper med sig selv i form af 365discount.

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Matching the cheapest prices on 500 select items. Well the true low price markets do this better - and a fun detail: Coop is a conglomerate, and one of the chains they claim to match, is their own (365discount)

Så har de deres "ansvarlighedskampagneside". De fleste "handlinger, som de kalder dem, er enten bare varm luft - vi lever op til EUs krav på området udsat for fine ord, ting Irma begyndte med eller ting, der ikke længere findes - fordi Irma ikke længere findes!

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This is their "we care about nature" page. The caption is a pun. It means "Time to do something" and "Time to go shopping". This is the best part about this page.
Most of these initiatives do not exist any longer, are just hot air and big words, or were discontinued with the closing down of Irma - that branch of theirs, I spoke of earlier.

     Billede af den lokale Coop. Discountmatch, Bedste indkøbsoplevelse OG Irmavarer. Jeg synes ikke rigtig det passer sammen.
     Uoverensstemmelserne er iøjnefaldende i mine øjne. Og oplevelsen indenfor er langt fra den bedste, som den Irma, i først Helsinge, og senere Gilleleje eller Hillerød leverede.
     Alle tingene på hylderne er bare de samme som i ethvert andet supermarked rundt omkring. Der er ingen sjove ting som krokodillekød, gedemælk eller kængurubøffer. Alt det købte jeg i den meget mindre Irma. Og heller ingen mærkelige frugter, ingen frosne delikatesser ... og så videre, og så videre.
Det er trist, discountagtigt og luset.

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The local Coop seen from the outside:
Discount-match -- The best shopping experience in Northern Zealand -- Irma's best have come to our shelves.
The discrepancies are glaring in my eyes. And the experience inside is far from the best, which the old Irma in first Helsinge, later Gilleleje or Hillerød delivered.
All the things on the shelves are just the same as in any other supermarket around. There's no fun things to be had like crocodile meat, goat's milk or kangaroo steaks. I bought all of this in the much smaller Irma. And also no strange fruits, no frozen delicacies ... and so on, and so on.
It's dreary, discount-y and cheap.

6 kommentarer:

  1. It's such a shame that these places have to become "homogenised", meaning all are the same no matter where you go. All carrying the same goods from the same suppliers. It's like MacDonald's of Kentucky Fried Chicken, known everywhere as KFC, drop into anyone of those anywhere in the world and apart from language, you might just as well be in your home town, because nothing is different. Personally, I don't like this homogenisation and believe there should be differences, in decor, in goods supplied etc.

  2. They are only interested in keeping things which sell the best, to make more money. That's true of all the big stores everywhere.

    1. Yes, I know. But it was not true of the under-chain, they closed down, and the image / brand of which they're now leeching on. I want to unmask theit "crimes",


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