tirsdag den 28. november 2023

Poetry Monday :: A Pet's Life

   Poetry Monday er en udfordring, hvor Diane fra On the Border er vores vært.
     Dagens tema:
Et kæledyrs liv får den gnavne Uglemor frem. Der er alt for mange kæledyr her i landet, og der bliver taget mere hensyn til dem, end til mennesker og menneskebørn. Det gør mig gnaven!
     Og så lader det til at  det lakker mod enden med Mandagsdigte. I hvert fald skriver Diane at 1. januar 2024 bliver hendes sidste Mandagsdigt.

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Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.

Today's topic
A Pet's Life makes me bitter, grumpy and what not because A pet's life in Denmark is privileged. The fur babies often take precedence to human beings and human children.

And it seems Poetry Monday is about to end, at least Diane says that Monday, January 1, 2024 is her last Poetry Monday - as copy/pasted below.

Fireworks at New years' might delight
the small ones.
But the dogs take a fright
They're begones.

Thick ice on the lake where we skate
would be nice.
But the 20 ducks' fate
Is worth more than ice.

Biking through the woods are safe
Road is not.
But the leashed dogs strafe
And they will trip us up.

Or without a leash even they run
Here and there
I'm in control says the man,
Hope it finds a red deer!

The pets are dieted and led to the vet
And kept fit.
The children are pampered, oh let
him have some more of the s...!

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Upcoming topics:
Shoes (December 4)
Winter (December 11)
Cookies (December 18)
Christmas/Hanukkah/Holidays (Dec. 25)
The Future (January 1 My last Poetry Monday)

2 kommentarer:

  1. We take care of our pets, but I try not to spoil them.

    Diane is going to take a blog break because of a health problem, she told me. She hopes to come back to it at some point. Meanwhile, if you wish, you and I might continue to write, taking turns choosing topics.

    1. Thanks for the news, I was wondering of the scarcity of posts and the Last Poetry Monday. I so hope that she will get well and return to blogging again. And meanwhile I am in on the continuing the Poetry Monday.Maybe it's best if you publish an explanation and continue publishing the topics? I'll happily supply.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.