søndag den 3. september 2023

Vi får vores sommer!

We'll have our Summer!

     Der er mange mennesker her i landet - heriblandt mig - der har påstået at vi har mindst 14 dages sommer til gode.
     Det lader så til at de højere magter har lyttet til vores klager, for se bare den vejrmelding!

-- ⛅ -- 🌞 -- 🌤 --

We're a lot of people in Denmark - me among them - that think that somebody somewhere owe us at least two weeks of summer.

It actually seems that the powers that be have listened. Look at this weather forecast!

9 kommentarer:

  1. Enjoy it. Two weeks of summer a year sounds like something I could cope with.

    1. A lot of my friends and I are really getting a tough winter uif we do not have enough sunsine and ligth to fill up the storage tanks for the coming winter. Remember that Denmar is situated in a place that roughly corresponds to 200 km south of Canberra.
      SAD is a real issue in Denmark after a "summer" like this one, so no, we cannot live with 4 months of rain/cloudy/cool and 2 weeks of summer.

    2. I am sorry - I didn't mean to be dismissive of your need for sun and light. Not at all. We get too much of it, and you don't get enough.

    3. Sorry. I'm just sick and tired of wearing long sleeves, woolen slipover and a jacket in what was supposed to be the warnm, sunny period here. And getting drenched at regular intervals. I remember you said something of a "golbel weather exchange - this is sure thing what we need here!

  2. I hope you do get two weeks of warm sunshine!

    1. Thank you. If today is any kind of indication we will really have two weeks summer now. Today I went by bike home from town - and I enjoyed it for the first time this year!

  3. I hope you get to enjoy every single moment of it!

    1. So far I have, biking through the woods, picking berrries and plums, weeding, and so on. Wonderful!


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