mandag den 4. september 2023

Poetry Monday :: Newspapers

     Poetry Monday er en udfordring, hvor Diane fra On the Border er vores vært.
     Dagens stikord er
Aviserjeg kan vældig godt lide aviser, så længe jeg ikke skal læse dem.

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Newspapers, is the theme for today. Newspapers are ubiquitous, we all have them in our homes, I like Newspapers very much ... as long as  do not have to read them!

Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.


Newspapers are for playing, making paper planes
Paper hats and paper boats, sailing with the swans.

Newspapers are for patterns, tracing my new dress
and for putting under when doggie made a mess.

Newspapers are for painting, spread out on the floor,
and for having fish in what we pull ashore.

Newspapers are for folding, watching baskets grow
nothing really beats them for collecting sloe.

Newspapers are for spreading, when the children play
colouring and messing all the livelong day.

Newspapers are for making seedling pots in spring
Rolling my pot maker again and once again.

Newspapers are for using more than once or twice
versatile the word is - don't read them's my advice.

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Next Monday's topic is: Remembering

7 kommentarer:

  1. I love your poem with its myriad of uses for newspapers. I read them too - it is the only 'news' I can (mostly) cope with.

    1. Our newspapers have sadly turned mostly "Info-tainment". I'd like some real news, not the human interest drivel we're served now.
      And if there's something I find interesting I can be almost sure that we're told loads of the story while it's in it's critical stages, but the ending is mentioned - if at all - in petite in the lower half of page 10.
      I listen to the radio-news, they are so short (3 minutes at the hour), that there's no time for info-tainment. And use the papers for fun things.

    2. PS: thanks for your praise. I am always happy when you like my crazy works.

  2. I like your poem. I read the headlines in the newspaper and if it sounds interesting I might read the story too, but not often. Mostly I like to do the puzzles. I used to like to read the funny comics page but they discontinued that over a year ago :(

    1. Thanks. And arrrgh! now Blogger has begun "eating" my comments - trying again.
      Yes also in our place the comics have been disappearing, or have been exchanged with modern, woke, and not funny ones.
      I like the puzzles too, but whe have only crooswords mostly containing piscure ads for the most anti-immigrant political party, so I do not do them. I find puzzles on the 'net instead; Wordle for instance.

  3. Well done! Yes, newsprint is versatile, and the news, not so much. I will read the funnies, though.

    1. This is an idea. Get the newspapaer with the best funnies :D


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