tirsdag den 19. september 2023

Talk Like a Pirate day

I forgot Talk Like a Pirate day! We usually celebrate.
Just to honour the day, a picture of the oldest hardtack in the world. Exhibited of all places in Elsinore. Mine and Susan's home town!
Foto: Paul A. Cziko
Jeg har glemt at det var Tal som en pirat-dag i dag. Suk. Vi plejer at fejre den med pirat-snak, pirat-mad, pirat-slik, pirattøj og så videre. Nu får I bare et billede af verdens ældste beskøjt, der befinder sig på søfartsmusset i Helsingør af alle steder. Min - og Susans - hjemby!

8 kommentarer:

  1. I wonder whether it would still be edible? Talk like a pirate day is something that the internet introduced me to - and makes me smile.

    1. I would think it still edible, but not tasty any more.
      We like the day too, I'm sad I forgot it this year.

  2. We like Talk Like a Pirate Day, it is fun. You can end it with Pirate Supper, although be sure you are not serving anything which needs a bowl, such as a soup. For a Pirate Supper, cover your table with newsprint paper and serve the meal with no plates, no forks, no knives, no napkins, just the food on the paper and your hands. Messy pirate fun, especially for small children who have to behave properly at all the other meals.

    1. We have done something like it in fromer years. It's fun ;) I would have liked to have discovered thsi day, when my kids were still small enough to think messy eating fun - maybe something to celebrate wihth grandkids in the yarrrs to come :)

  3. I've heard of hardtack in history lessons, in books and movies, and how by the end of the voyage it was often infested with weevils and the men would knock it on the tables to get the weevils to fall out so they could eat the hardtack. Probably more filling than nutritious and cheap to make and carry.

    1. The seamen got scurvy from eating only hardtack, as they were made from only flour and water, sometimes salt was added. Actually I think eating the weewils too would greatly improve the nutritional value of hardtack ;) Not as yucky as it sounds. They are absolutely tasteless. ... how I know? Do you remeber my Bucket list: I've eaten bread with beetles, yes! / At least in bread / they were baked and dead / In biscuits - yes, I'll let you guess. . ... those were weevils, and we broke the biscuits in half and knocked them against something to make the weevils fall out :D
      Biscuits is by the way the same word as the Danish word for Hardtack: "beskøjt" meaning "baked twice".


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