søndag den 17. september 2023

Sunday Selections :: Søndagsbilleder

17. September
20:49 - 20:53SSW SE  
We saw the ISS -- the International Space Shuttle -- with Danish astronaut Andreas Mortensen aboard. It looked just like a very fast plane.

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Vi så ISS - den internationale rumstation - med den danske astronaut Andreas Mortensen ombord. Det lignede mest af alt et superhurtigt fly højt oppe.

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My jalapeños all looked like this on one plant. It seems this is the normal, or maybe just the most coveted look. I never had one look like this before, so I saved some seeds from it for planting next spring.
Mine jalapeñoer ser sådan ud på den ene plante. Det har de aldrig gjort før, men det synes at være det normale, eller i hvert fald det mest eftertragtede udseende for jalapeñoer, så jeg tog frø fra den til at plante næste år.

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I was out in the sunshine picking haws, rosehips and sloe
Jeg var ude i solskinnet og plukke slåen, hyben og tjørnebær.

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And I rippled my flax and put the straw bundles in the water barrel for retting.
The yellow text says:
Felice                                                          Lisette
5 bundles and 139 g. seeds                           2 bundles and 81 g. seeds
Jeg fik også heglet min hør, nu ligger bundterne til rødning i vandtønden ligesom sidste år.

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And this morning on our way to church we saw these beautiful sunrays.
I morges på vej til kirke så vi de her fantastiske solstråler.

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Ugen bød også på  gammelrosa blomster, men jeg har forsømt at tage et billede, det må komme senere.
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This week also included some Antique Pink flowers, but I forgot to snap a photo, It'll come later.

6 kommentarer:

  1. You have been busy and productive.
    I LOVE those sun rays. And look forward to seeing your antique pink flowers. Sadly the ones in my garden didn't qualify this week.

    1. Thank you. I'm not quite sure my flowers hit the colour spot on, but they are pretty, albeit not as gorgeous as yours.

  2. Your peppers are beautiful, as are the sun rays. I enjoy seeing what comes out of your garden.

    1. Thank you.
      I suspected the peppers were diseased with all these lines on them ;) Hooray for online fora where you can get advice within seconds - it ended up as dinner :)

  3. I love seeing sunrays come through the clouds.

    1. I do too, and I have always forgotten my camera when I see them. This was only the second time ever I got a photo, and by far the best.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.